Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Writer Wednesday: Guest Blogging Etiquette

 So I've been blogging for a year now and guest blogging for just as long. In my experience I have found there are some expectations of manners that people think but have never put out there that I can find. They are all perfectly acceptable but sometimes we get so busy we don't even think of them. Here are my list of Guest Blogging Etiquette Expectations to practice. FYI I learned these the hard in I was the rude one sometimes.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Second Tuesday Bootcamp Update: My Stomach Fat Now Has Dimples

So it's my first full week of Boot Camp. I missed Friday cause my little germs I mean kids got me sick. So this week of camp is actually Spring Break. Yes I'm still getting up at 5 am on Spring Break. It really is amazing. I get a lot done around the house and the kids sleep it. Well if I can at least make them stay in their rooms. I'm hooking up a TV and DVD player in the little girls room tonight. They are the worst. Let's do a short update on the fitness, food and weight loss. 

  • Food: So I emailed my food log to my trainer.  With the amount of exercise I do and being a pretty active person anyway I eat about 2,000 cal a day. Jess, the trainer, looks at my log and says to me, "I want you to eat all the colors of the rainbow pertaining to fruits and vegetables. If you do this you will not need snacks like Goldfish." I responded with..."But Goldfish are the colors of the rainbow." He laughed and then said to follow his suggestions. I being the control freak I am decided to start on Monday. LOL
  • Fitness: So the lunges don't hurt anymore and I'm even doing push ups and planks without my knees at times. I've gone beyond that being soar to having more energy phase. I'm so excited it only took 7 days. And 3 I had off! LOL
  • Weight loss: So I am pleased to say that I can tell I've lost weight in my arms, legs and my my stomach. Shirts that were tight in the upper arms are comfortable now and those thigh tight jeans I have are comfy too. But the stomach thing that's the funny part. My belly fat now has dimples .Who knew?! So I'm pressing forward and really enjoying boot camp. I have to say if it wasn't for my partner Rochelle I'd bailed by now. She's such a motivator. 
So anyone out there getting ready for summer with some exercise?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Signifigant Sunday: Bri The Charity Case

I have two photographs in my office...the rest are paintings or prints. One is of my husband and I in 2007 and I'm like 30 lb's smaller. I believe it's the first time he outweighed me. Anyways the other is the one you see to the left. It's of me and 5 other women who went away for a conference one year ago this April.  It's also one of the most significant experiences of my life. Therefore as the one year anniversary looms it needed to go up on Significant Sunday.

Boy what a difference a year can make! In this picture everything I am wearing was either bought for me by someone or was a hand me down. We were so broke that I didn't even have money to buy clothes at the thrift store. My family and I had just moved into a small two bedroom apartment, our oldest son had just got sent away for personal problems, my husband didn't have a steady job and life was pretty bleak. Although I put on a brave face, well more like a joking facade, I spent a lot of time on my knees. So how did I afford to go on a trip to a conference in another state? This is where the charity case part comes up.

I'm approached by two of the women who say do you want to go to The BYU Women's Conference in Provo UT? ( yeah I know I thought BYU was in SLC too) I was elated. It was one of the things I had hoped I could one day do now that I lived closer in ID. Alas I told her I had no money to attend. Her response was there's been a scholarship awarded and your lodging, travel and ticket expenses have been paid.

So me and 5 dear women loaded up in a white Toyata Sienna and headed to Utah. Each of our situations were very different. Economic, financial, social and even familial were all very different. The binding fiber that grounded each of us was a desire to please God, a love for one another and an anthem learned within the doors of many a Relief Society meeting that "Charity Never Faileth."

Going to that conference was like a healing balm to a decaying soul. I'll forever be thankful to those women and that week that taught me to be a Lioness at the Gate. 


Friday, March 25, 2011

The Truth About Vampires...A Rant, Rave or Review?

I know! I know! Yet another vampire book. However, hear me out. Read the synopsis, then check out my thoughts before you discredit it.

Disclaimer: This is the brooding vampire type not the sparkly and this is a sensual romance for my sweets readers. 


All her life, Seattle reporter Kristin Reed sought her breakout story. She never thought she'd find it in the crimson lair of a real-life creature of the night. Kristin never believed vampires existed—until with dark brooding eyes and a decadent chocolate scent, Dmitri Dionotte called out to her….
Dmitri and his clan's true nature was cloaked in secrecy until a warring vampire order threatened their existence. Kristin was just the woman he needed. She couldn't resist their story…or Dmitri. Her blood pulsed hot and furious when he touched her, and with his kiss, all logic fled. But each night she spent with her vampire lover brought her closer to death and destruction. A death not even an immortal could triumph over.

My first impression when I read the description was "chocolate scent?" However, after reading the story Theresa did a great job incorporating elements of her own making in this story. Although I've never been to Seattle I was impressed with the imagery and feeling of history she implemented into the story. The heat believe Kristin and Dimitri was great, the chemistry better and the ending....what you thought I was going to give it away. You will have to read it yourself and see. I read The Truth About Vampires in like 2 nights and was sad to see it end. However, the pain was short lived cause it seems this will be a series. This novel is one that you will come back and read again and again. Great Job Theresa.

 How do you guys feel about vamps sparkly or sharkly?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Writer Wednesday....Fitness, Writing and Creativity....

So if you are following the blog then you know that I started a fitness boot camp Monday. If you don't then here's where it began. So something that I have always known is that with working out comes inspiration. When I wrote my first novel I would walk 40 miles a week listening to my play lists and the ideas would just explode. Now that I am really engulfed in marketing, editing, blogging, and writing I find yet another use for fitness. It gets you up, moving and motivated.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Tuesday of Boot Camp...Have I Quit Yet?

So this is the first Tuesday of the boot camp series. This is also only day two of 4 weeks. How am I doing? Do I feel so hungry I may knaw one of my arms off? (Honestly that does serve two purposes I would lose weight and take care of my hunger.) Do we secretly curse our instructor as he sits in his chair and yells at us and blows his little whistle and eats a donut? (utoh...I used the d word. I hope my trainer doesn't make me do push ups cause I technically didn't say it I typed it.)

No! None of those things are true. Jesse Judd from Aventura Fitness the trainer we have for Adventure Boot Camp. (I know that's a lot of plugs. I'm hoping if I get him some business I'll get a discount for another round.That's right I already want to go another 4 weeks.) is totally hands on and motivating. He keeps a good relaxed but challenging pace. If you need water or a bathroom break you take it. All the women there are supportive and none of them rub in they are more fit than you cause at one point I didn't know if I was rocking or rolling. I really was impressed at how Jesse made it a point to walk around and make sure he knew everyones name. Can't wait to do more.

Let's hear it...anyone ever done a fitness boot camp? Considering it?


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Signifigant Sunday...Last Day of Big Bri

This is not me. But where I was heading. Scary?!
After going all day (with a sickly child I might add) missing church, snuggling with her, doing laundry, cleaning, reading and napping I finally figured out what I could post. Tomorrow will be my first day at Meridian Adventure Boot Camp for women. Thanks to I got a 4 week boot camp for a ridiculously low price. So excited. Yes I'm totally stoked to get up at 5:30am for 5 days a week for 4 weeks. I am giddy happy to be required to not say the words hoho, donut, ding dong or candy bar on pain of 20 push ups. I am motivated to keep a food journal that I have to turn in every Wednesday that is a recording of every minute thing that I have ate.

 I have gained 5 extra pounds this week because I knew this day was coming and I have pigged out royally. I'm just ready for a change. Some of you may ask what are my weight loss goals. Honestly the goal is to establish a weekly workout routine at a set time and stick to it while being aware of the food I put in my body in order to feel better. The plan is to blog about the progress every Tuesday.  Until then....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Writer Wednsday...Welcom Laina Turner-Molaski

In this weeks Writer Wednesday please welcome Laina Turner-Molaski. She is the brilliant and lovely (totally love her author photo!!) author of Stilettoes and Scoundrels. I'll be reviewing it in April. So more about that later. Now lets get to know Laina and what she has to say about how much real life affects her fiction life.

Laina Turner-Molaski is a businesswoman, mom, author, Professor, and a major supporter of shopping. She has an undying love for shoes and coffee, which is why she created her main character and alter ego Presley Thurman.
With a lot of letters after her name and a ton of student loan debt, she is always working to pay the bills. While she enjoys her day job, her passion is writing, and she uses a lot of company time writing her fiction or working on her social website for women, She is hoping to sell her book before she gets fired from her day job for goofing off.
Laina is currently living in Indiana, with her family, and is always writing something, whether it’s blogs, articles, business journals and books or ideas for her next novel. She is continuously doing what she loves which is writing or drinking coffee.

How much real life is in my fiction writing?

Someone asked me the other day how much of me and/or my friends pop up in the characters I create in my fiction writing. My answer is more than I realize after I read what I wrote. Funny how personal details just seem to sneak in when you don’t expect it.
It’s normal to take the familiar and put a fun twist to it. I have friends who ask to be a character in my books. They find it fun to be a part of something fictionalized. They give me all sorts of ideas on what they want their characters to do, which is a great help. I have a friend who in some form or another has made his way into almost every book I have written. No one but the two of us would ever be able to tell because it mannerisms, habits, personal type details that are slipped in, but we know the details are there and it’s fun.
I also ask my kids for ideas or to help me decide what hair color or eye color to give a character. It makes it a fun family event and increase my mommy cool factor.
Other real life aspects I utilize for my writing is just people watching. I love when I fly because airports are the best places to study people and write down observed eccentricities I may want to use later. Life is much stranger than anything I could ever make up and being observant to details and nuances is what makes me able to write what I do.


Presley Thurman, a sassy, thirty-something red-head, was looking to reinvent herself. She didn’t allow the fact she was recently fired to bother her – she was ready to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a writer. Presley was a lover of shopping and Starbucks, and even though she sometimes had bad taste in men, she always had great taste in clothes.
Not looking back on corporate America, Presley decided to follow her dream. With her feisty nature and a spirit to not “sweat the small stuff,” she was ready to tackle any challenge (even if she had no idea how she would pay the bills). When her friend Trevor offered her a job with his online magazine to interview public figures, she jumped at the chance.
However, the new job turned into something unexpected when the U.S. Senator she was slated to write about was murdered – in her home town! Presley was excited – she hadn’t seen so much buzz since the spring sample sale at Saks. She was ready for this adventure, even if it didn’t seem to fit neatly into her life. She couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be in the middle of the buzz.
Presley was determined (not to mention curious) to find the killer and write her story. After all, she couldn’t afford her shoe habit without a job and she was certainly not one to shy away from danger. The only thing standing in her way was an old high school fling, Cooper Sands, head of the Senator’s security. He was not actually standing in her way, but because of his good looks, he was the biggest distraction and one she was having the hardest time overcoming. Cooper felt it was too dangerous for Presley to look for a killer and tried to distract her with reliving the past; which Presley found more dangerous than any killer. While she attempted to resist Cooper’s good looks and charm, Presley was able to discover the Senator’s wife, Helen, had been having an affair… with her best friend’s boyfriend! Did Helen kill the Senator? Or was it the Senator’s love of gambling that got him killed? And what was Cooper’s secret tie to the mob boss Garrison Palazzo?
Presley’s betting her favorite pair of Manolo’s she will find the killer… but will time run out!




Thank you Laina for coming by and sharing your own experiences of real life and fiction silently infiltrating the other. I can definitely relate to that. How about any of you other authors? Has that happened to you?

Monday, March 14, 2011

All Things Romantic Book Tour....Jess Anastasi...I'm late..Sorry

So peeps this was supposed to go up Friday...sorry...but what a great way to start off Monday. Jess has been a ball to talk to and actually hosted me at her blog as well. Instead of doing the regular interview or guest post we decided to feature some of her books. So without further ado here is Jess Anastasi and her fabulous novels. (side note to my christian fiction followers these are sensual romances.)

I started writing seriously in 2001. Since then I've studied a Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing, joined Romance Writers Australia, had more rejections than I care to think about and find this industry more of a challenge every day. Since I'm stubborn and couldn't comprehend any other outcome besides success, I worked hard, and in 2010, got my first publishing contract.

Wow Jess that's perseverance. You rock girl. Australia. I want to hear you talk now. 

Nakita Branson made a deal with a demon to rescue her best friend. But when things don't go the demon's way, he dumps her off on a derelict spacestation with no money and no way of getting home.
A year later, Nakita is still searching for her friend, but finds trouble instead. And the only thing worse than the possibility of getting killed by a fanatical jerk? A familiar, green-eyed demon turning up just in time to save her.
Alastor is back with news that the contract they agreed to is still intact, and until he can find a way to break it, he is compelled to protect her.
The last thing Nakita wants to do is go anywhere with the demon who has a history of screwing her over. Not only that, but when he looks at her with that emerald gaze, intense enough to burn, she feels something she shouldn't for the gorgeous demon.
With the demon monarchy in chaos and enemies all over the universe, they are forced to rely on each other while unraveling the mystery of two sacred relics, and the contract that still binds them. But, by the time Alastor and Nakita find a way to sever their deal, the idea of being apart may no longer be what either of them wants.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Four Authors, Four Genre's, One book....Want a Piece of the Action?

So excited to let every know , especially other authors, about this opportunity that has presented itself. I will be able to participate in the first go around. It's a little in depth so I will share the details at the bottom.

So here's the gist of it...Giovanni Gelati over at Gelatis Scoop and the Gzone his blogtalk blogtalk radio show along with his sponsor Trestle Press are doing a Improvised Digital Short Story and Giovanni has invited me to be one of the people to read it out loud on the show that will be used as an audio book format. The cool thing is they are going to do it again and you can get in on it too. Oh and it all takes place starting tonight Friday 3/10/2011. Here's the detail....

Gelati’s Scoop, The G-ZONE , Trestle Press & an Improvised Digital Short Story !


Sounds like the beginning of something from a quiz show doesn’t it? No it isn’t, but if you weren’t just listening in on our Blogtalk Radio Show The G-ZONE that had Steve Berry and David Morrell as guests, you may have missed the announcement I just made. That announcement is that we are trying to do something different this Saturday. What is that you say? Here is the concept and hopefully how we will execute the idea:
-We (by that I mean Trestle Press my blogtalk radio sponsor and myself) are going to try to use a lot of our resources to carry off an improvised digital short story within a span of hours.
- To do this we are going to be given a person, place and a thing by the guests of our blogtalk show Friday evening. I will post that on the Giovanni Gelati social media and off we go. Who are we?
-We will be using a number of authors from Trestle Press in a variety of different functions. The story itself will be written by four different authors covering half the world. The story will be lead off by Laurie Bowler (Across the City Series) in England. She is the author of many vampire/paranormal/romance novels and digital short stories. She will hand it off to B.R. Stateham ( Death of a Young Lieutenant & Call Me Smitty), he is in Texas; his genre is historical thriller fiction as well as dark suspense digital short stories and sci/fi. CQ Scafidi (Time Couriers & The Commissary) in New Orleans takes over from there, geopolitical thrillers and conspiracy are his strong suit. The anchor of the story is Thomas White (Justice Rules); he is the author of a detective, police procedural, action novel.
- Four authors, four different genres.
-Each portion of the story after editing will be posted on the Gelati Scoop blog and The Novel Spot.
-The final piece by Thomas White will not. But wait, you can still get it and find out how it ends.
-At 3pm on my blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE, Tom Sumner( All I Wanted Was a Haircut!), Big Daddy Abel( Open Mic), and myself will read the story in its entirety  on air. This will create an audio version of it that will be in our archives that you can access at any time 24/7 from a variety of platforms: computer, smartphone, iPad,etc.
-Cover art will be made by me and put up on Facebook to await your comments.
-The story will be published on Amazon, Smashwords… as soon as it has been edited.
-To wrap this up: In a matter of hours we will create, edit, blog, publish and make an audio version of a story. Sound like fun? Why not be a part of it and leave comments on the blog, on Facebook with the cover art, or on the blogtalk show.
Is this a one and done deal?  &%$ NO! This is the tip of the iceberg for us, just the beginning. Trestle Press is a very progressive, cutting edge, full service publisher. When I approached them with the idea they said , “Sounds intense, when can we do it; let’s roll!”. We plan on doing this on a regular basis. Why not?  It is too much fun to just plan and the authors are totally amped up to show their readers and hopefully a ton of new readers just what they can do in a about 1,000 words. Imagine taking three things, a person, place and thing and not just crafting a story from that but working with and connecting to another author’s work. Different authors, different genres, four different voices, in a nice, neat little package that can be read AND listened to from just about anywhere, at any time. That was the idea I was holding onto. Join us this Saturday @ Gelati’s Scoop blog, The Novel Spot (why not join; the badge is on my blog), The G-ZONE, Amazon, Smashwords…….
Hey, are you an author? Do you think you might want to have some fun doing this, the improved digital short story?  Get with me and let’s see what we can do together. Fun is fun, right?
What are you reading today? Have you checked out our new blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE? Check us out and become our friend on Shelfari, The Novel Spot &Twitter. Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. Did you know you can shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Amazon Banner on our blog?  Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day.

 So there you go people. Yours truly will be part of a first ever event and will be part of an audio book as well. Talk about Win. So are you thinking of checking it out?

Romance Reader/Author Reads Noir Thriller: Final Vector Review

Reeling from the brutal murder of his wife, air traffic controller Nick Jensen throws himself into his work at Logan International Airport in Boston. Returning to the operations room from a break, he sees three heavily armed men dressed in black fatigues and patrolling the corridors of the supposedly secure FAA facility. After having murdered two armed guards, the terrorists have unfettered access to the control tower while the president of the United States is nearing Logan Airport. To dismantle the terrorist assassination plot, Nick must risk everything. 

A random Pentagon worker married to an air traffic controller dies in a car accident. Seems pretty average right? Wrong! Throw in homegrown terrorists ,you actually relate to, the FBI and a whole lot of conspiracy and you get Final Vector. This novel for me was a first. I've watched the occasional action, conspiracy type movie with the hubster but never read an actual book. Alan has become a good friend online and I really wanted to support his work. Boy am I glad I'm such a good friend or I would have missed out on a great novel! The characters from victim to nemesis were all personable and relatable. The story was quick and fluid. An amazing novel!

You can find more info about Allan Leverone here. And you can purchase his book here.

Thanks for letting me read it Al.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Debut Novels and Release Dates...As The Date Changes So Are The Days of Our Novels.

Wow I'm actually blogging about my debut novel and the fact that it's release date is being pushed back two months from March to May is on my mind. Now ya'll throttle down clean up the computer screen from all the liquid you spit on it when you read these totally shocking, ghastly words.

(Keep the towel cause you won't like what I'm going to say next.)

It was my choice. (Ducts for cover behind her desk)
Why after three years of edits, rewrites, tears, three pairs of Nike's from all the miles walked to the Glazier playlists on the iPhone you ask. And I will answer. So again I tell you to throttle down and read on...

  • Busy: In the last year I have gone from a wanna be unpublished author to a published author with a budding fan base and their expectations, expected to maintain and build a marketing platform via Facebook, Twitter and a blog. (I love every minute of it!) On top of that I review other books, interview other authors, write guest posts for other blogs, as well as taking on a role with in my publishing house (Astraea Press) and a small collaborative roll with a good friends publishing house. (StoneHouse Ink) (Loving every minute of that as well!) Along with my other familial duties I simply don't have the need time to devote to Glazier to prep it by a March deadline.
  • Timing: I actually think that having it release closer to a summer release date is better since people read more on vacations and such. A May release also enables me to give it the proper focus needed to put my best out there. Since this is my debut novel I want it to be breathtaking and slightly addictive.
  • Patience: I have waited three years to publish this particular novel. I can wait a few more weeks. Taking the time to do Glazier right is providing me with much needed plotting and planning time to get the sequel Venim ready. (shut your mouth your drooling.)
  • The Gut: Honestly it all boiled down to the  feeling that March didn't feel right. Once I talked with my editor she agreed and things just fell into place. If I had any advice to new authors go with the gut. Always!

So my precious Glazier will release in May. Thanks to all my supporters and exercise just a little bit more patience.

Have any of you ever had to do the wise thing and wait for something you really wanted?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Read an Ebook Week....Astraea Press Sale

In honor of Read an Ebook Week Astraea Press has a sale going on! All Three of these books are 50% off!

Familial Witch

Lucien Lemione, the clan leader of the feared and revered Eternals, is faced with the ultimate betrayal. His second in command for two centuries has not only created the most grievous of offenses but also commissioned the creation of liquid silver. When poisoned by this toxin, an immortal suffers a fate much worse than death, frozen in an internal prison. After being wounded when found spying, he hides deep within the eerie woods that encircle the Triad Mountains. Desperate and in pain, he prays to an offended mother goddess for help. Her answer: a woman, but not just any woman. A witch.
After losing her entire coven at the hands of the Eternals, Aisleen is the last of her kind. She retreats from the world to Trinity Forest where she is giving the opportunity of a lifetime, or perhaps a test of principles. It’s there she discovers the man she heals is the Eternal that wiped out her people. Although she is bound as a healer, she could be creative in her revenge. Aisleen knows who and what Lucien is…but does not speak of it. There can be no future with Lucien for she can only be with a mortal man. Even if she wanted to be with him, can she forgive the man that caused the genocide of her people?
Lucien must act quickly for the survival of his clan is at stake. However, Aisleen’s ethereal beauty and emerald eyes keep pushing those thoughts far from his mind. Determined to find out what secret she hides, he prolongs his time with her. When his people need him most what will he choose…duty, desire, or will he make his own fate?
You can choose love but you can’t choose destiny.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

To Care or Condemn....How do we move past flowery words?

This beautiful painting is by Liz Lemon Swindle.  The story behind the art from Liz's website is such...The leaders of the Jews brought an adulterous woman before the Lord asking if she should be stoned. Christ simply said, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

Convicted by their own conscience, the crowd disappeared leaving only Christ and the accused. “Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?” he said, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

How do we move past flowery insincere words to meaningful heartfelt love for those in our lives that sin? While I may sound like I have the answer for this. I learned from anothers example: Jesus. Such as in the story of the Jews and the adulteress his life was the example that we should learn from. So taking that into account I will put up some points to think about when you find your self quick to judge

  • Pray: When you are made aware of someone who needs help ponder, pray and ask whatever deity or guiding light you call to first how you should proceed.
  • Don't ask: When someone asks you for help or needs someone to listen and you know it's a direct reaction to perhaps a separation, divorce or bad decisions made on their part. You are not entitled to their information in payment for your empathy. (keep in mind if this person was to be in your home or is in need of things that could pose a threat to your family, yourself or possessions. Then proceed accordingly. Use common sense.)
  • Don't imagine: As an author I know the power of imagination. From personal experience do not try and figure out what happened to this person. I can personally testify most often your conclusions are much worse than the truth. So don't do it!
  • Like them: Try to find something to admire about them. Even if it's that they have great feet or bathe regularly. There is always something that you can find to hang on to to try and appreciate them. Attempt to look at them as a parent would a child or perhaps even as God would his child. 
  • Be Prepared: Often times you will be met with social or public disdain by those who know some of the person's past indiscretions or who were offended by them. Another consequence to this type of care is the reaction of one who you have come to care about. They may feel confident enough to persevere, to become the person they could be and when that happens you will find a loyalty from them that lasts longer than any public or social disdain.
In conclusion this is no easy process and the farther away personally the person is from you the easier it is. However, I've had experience with this more often now than before (reference this post) and I can confidently say that I have gained some truly amazing friendships and understanding about people that have made me a better person and writer.

Have you ever been in this situation? If so how did you react?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Review of Quest for the Nail Prints

As a usual paranormal or thriller reader in my fiction I really was excited to try out some Christian Fiction. It's been a while since I read Christian Fiction. Don't get me wrong I'm a Christian and I read scripture daily...but it had been a while. If every author can pen a tale like Don Furr I'll be remedying that choice promptly.

Upon first thought Quest for the Nail Prints sounded like a biography of a man's journey beginning in Memphis TN (love that cause I'm a TN belle) then all his travels eventually arriving in Israel. When I read the acknowledgments and introduction this further fueled my assumption. Pleasantly surprised it couldn't be farther from the truth.

What do a smelly, wise, obese wisecracking religious studies professor, a twin emergency room physician and a pastor who got his call later in life all have in common? The same thing anyone of us does: Jesus. Quest for the Nail Prints is the story of how these three people come together for a once in the lifetime opportunity, fueled by the faith of ancestors, and spend time with Jesus and the disciples in his last days upon the earth. Their reactions are so human and honest that you can't help but shed tears of triumph in their joy as well as disdain for the traitor Judas. Imagine how you would react if you met Judas Iscariot prior to the crucifixion...can't well read the book then you'll know.

As someone who is indeed knowledgeable of the scriptures and the stories of the New Testament I can confidently say that Furr stayed true to the gospel and used his creative license in a tastefully eloquent and respectful manner. I give this book my full support and encourage you all to click the links highlighted and purchase it immediately.


If you've ever imagined spending time with the Lord Jesus in His time, this energetic and ultimately gut-wrenching thriller may very well be just what the Great Physician ordered. Quest for the Nail Prints by Sheaf House Publishers is a new time-travel thriller by author Don Furr set in the final days of the life of Christ. Three twenty-first century travelers come face to face with the rugged, radical prophet known throughout the land as Jesus of Nazareth and find much more than they ever dreamed possible. And although there literally is a hole punched through the entire book from beginning to end, you'll find it fills some very important "holes in your quest for knowledge and understanding of our Savior's last days.