Monday, March 18, 2013

Why Video Marketing Is Important To Any Business

OMB I'm so excited to bring in my girl Miranda Anita! She is a WSA (Women Speakers Association) member with me. Miranda and I met in Sept of 2012 at the California Women's Conference. She's a delight to have interview you and I appreciate her sharing her expertise with video marketing for entrepreneurs

Video marketing has come a long way in recent years. It is now the fastest growing advertising medium in the world and certainly the most effective. Since the advent of YouTube and other social video sites, we have seen an explosion in video, so much so that YouTube is now the second most searched site on the Internet. This started out as amusing clips and how-to videos but has quickly extended to being the most effective way to connect to people. Video marketing lets your audience see and hear you in ways other advertising just cannot match. You can showcase your products and services to your consumers in the most effective way.
With social media now consuming large amounts of people’s spare time, video marketing targets this trend perfectly. You can share your videos in any number of networks to attain the required level of online visibility. Videos for websites can quickly become viral and create huge exposure for your website or product. Another plus is that these videos will generally be online forever. So while there may be a spike in interest or hype at the beginning, a well-created video will still be viewed for years to come.  When representing yourself or own product, you must take a professional approach.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Changing Lanes - Tricia Dycka

Please welcome my special guest and fellow she-warrior Tricia Dycka. Tricia shares her emotional ah-ha moment about when she realized the path she was on wasn't what the universe had in mind. 


Changing Lanes - Tricia Dycka

At one time or another in life you hit a brick wall and you have two choices.  Continue hitting the brick wall - or change lanes and make a course correction. 

A while back, I was feeling restless and stagnant where nothing was moving the way I wanted it to.  How did I know I needed to change lanes? I was getting ZERO RESULTS. 

One thing I learned was there was a process that we all go through when we finally admit to ourselves that what we are doing just isn’t working. As much time, effort, blood, sweat and tears that may have gone into this venture sometimes you realize that it might just be time to do something different.  It could be a simple change or a total overhaul.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Taking a Step Back after being Gut Punched

Have you ever been punched in the gut? I have. It hurts. Your breath is gone.  Instinctively you lean forward and grab the affected area gasping for your next breath.

When you’ve somewhat recovered you get gut punched again.

Ever felt that?

Metaphorically that’s pretty much describes February 2013 for me.

Sometimes in life when you make big life decisions or when they happen to you sometimes, you do not want to make it a reality. For example, when you move far away you take longer than you normally would unpacking. Or if your grandfather dies and you are in a hurry to get back to your home 2000 miles away so you don’t have to constantly be reminded of it.

If you follow me on Twitter of Facebook then you heard all about the fact February for me was like a social media soap opera. My grandfather died, my family traveled to TN with car problems, we buried my grandfather, I fought with my family, cried with my family, and was reminded that we are all 2 powder kegs shy of a crazy fireworks stand, on the way back from Idaho more car problems. Not to mention, due to their own personal challenges, my biggest client and I decided not to renew our contract.

Lately I find myself absent minded and don’t respond when my husband talks to me, or when I do it’s short and overly hateful. But it’s not just my husband it’s my children too. I don’t want to socialize online or in person. But to add to those issues I’ve been sick for at least 2 weeks with terrible flu like symptoms, sinus infection, then a reaction to my antibiotics.

With all that said I find myself remembering The 4 Agreements. One of those agreements was Always do Your Best.

The number one part of Always doing Your Best is to understand that your best isn’t always the same. External factors, like the death of a loved one, internal factors, like being physically sick, effect the level of what your best is.

Considering all this, I’ve decided to take the month of March off from blogging in addition to pulling back from my other obligations as well. I’m taking this time to focus on grieving, healing, and focusing on my family and my current full time clients.

Until, then I have several amazing guest blogs, from industry leading professionals to keep the embers of interest warm while I’m away.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding while I go through these transitions in my life.

Bri Clark

Social Ghoster Marketing Strategist, Author, Speaker, Social Media/ Platform Consultant


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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Use Your Brain...Your WHOLE Brain

Please welcome my uber talented and super patient business coach Ormand Rankin. As he explains the importance of using your WHOLE brain.

Use Your Brain

In many of my workshops I talk about our brains how we as humans may not be using them to the full potential.

Here is a little bit about how our brain and how learning works.

The “left brain” organizes what already exists and thinks linearly. There is a sequential, analytical process toward a specific outcome. 

The “right brain” imagines what can be and thinks in nonlinear interconnections. It has immediate access to insights and novel connections.

Cultivating the use of both sides leads to breakthroughs and the ability to think on your feet under pressure.

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, we are required to be innovative to stay on top. Generating new ideas, visions or solutions is nearly impossible to do if we continue to use our habitual way of thinking. Our thought patterns will travel down the same neural pathways in your our brain the way they always do and come up with the same ideas you typically have.  To think in an innovative way requires new connections with the brain, breaking patters.  Research shows that by activity engaging the brain’s capacity from both hemispheres, you have a larger “playing field” from which to create – there is more cross-fertilization between neural synapses which leads to original ideas and those “A-Ha” moments.

Here is a look at a whole brain dimensions chart


After looking through the dimensions chart, decide what side of the brain you work with most. What are your dominant thinking patterns? Where is there room for skill development for more whole brain thinking?

In meetings or brainstorming sessions, do not be afraid to get out blocks, LEGO’s and Crayons to tap into your creative side.  Also, throw out the lined paper. Lines have a subconscious effect on us which keep the brain locked in its habitual thought patterns. When you remove the lines, the brain is free to think visually instead of just in words and the Crayons will have a stimulating effect on the brain, because the right brain thinks in color.

Have fun with your new innovative way of thinking!

Ormond Rankin

Friday, March 1, 2013

Ladies, How would you like to have a guaranteed happiness at the end of the day? Welcome to my bedroom.

Balance in life is an internal matter. Check out how I take just a few minutes every morning to have that guaranteed happiness to look forward to at the end of every day.

Bri Clark

Text briclark to 90210 to follow her blog by text.

Social Ghoster Marketing Strategist, Author, Speaker, Social Media/ Platform Consultant


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