Sunday, February 27, 2011

Signifigant Sunday...The Single Mother/Woman at church...Jezebel or Modern Day Widow?

I know .... I know you guys are thinking Not Jezebel!!! Hear me out. As I was deciding what to write this Sunday I was transported back to a time when I was the daughter of a single mother attending a small church. One instance among many was when we moved. When I say we I mean my mother, eight year old brother and I. The only help we received was from my aunt and some neighbors who took pity on us. My aunt Sis is stout as a bull and was great, but imagine two women a teen girl and an eight year old string bean (sorry little brother) are trying to move a couch with a bed in it. Would you stop and help or would you ignore them? If you knew they would need help in advance would you go help them?

In my new church I know that help would be called organized and put to action. The women would be there to help pack, clean, move, and unpack. The men would be there to do all the lifting and moving. Now don't get me wrong the women of that church did have a small house warming party after the move. I'm sure it was spawned from the guilt they felt telling their husband, "I don't want you helping that woman. She's single!" (I got it from a source that was what happened. I'm not speculating.)

Note to those wives in today's society most affairs are likely to happen with people in relationships and often times people you are both acquainted with.

Although Christ didn't say single women or mothers he did say "and the widows and orphans shall be provided for, as also the poor." I think it's safe to assume that the single mother/woman is counted as a widow in the Lord's eyes and should be treated as such. Not a Jezebel or a lesser person. 

Are you a single mother who ever felt this way? Have you received kindness and charity when you needed it? Please share your experiences do it anonymously if you want.

Friday, February 25, 2011

All Things Romantic Blog Tour...Week 7...

I'm very pleased to introduce S.R. Claridge author Tetterbaum' sTruth and No Easy Way. 
SR has been kind enough to share some information on herself and her books. Let's make her feel welcomed. 

S.R. Claridge grew up in St.Louis, Missouri where she graduated from Lindbergh High School and furthered her education at the University of Missouri, Columbia, with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology. She now resides in Colorado with her husband, two children and dog named Gigi.
She began her writing career being published for her poetry, lyrics and greeting cards, expounding into script writing and has found her niche in the fiction world of mystery and romantic suspense. She says it is her background in theatre and psychology that help her fill the pages of each novel with enough dramatic suspense to keep readers guessing until the very end.
Similar to the writing style of best-selling authors, Janet Evanovich and Mary Higgins Clark, S.R. Claridge's novels are sure 

(FYI I just love your author photo. Very lovely and professional)


1.       Have you considered self publishing?If so elaborate on whatever your decision was.  Though it is a viable option for many writers, I never considered it for myself.  I desperately needed an outsider to read my work and love it enough to publish it.  It may sound strange, but I needed to feel “believed in” by someone outside of family and friends so that I could truly believe in myself. ( I can understand that. It's commendable and admirable)
2.       What’s the best/worst writing advice you have ever received?  One of the best pieces of advice I received was to enter contests and have my work critiqued.  These score sheets from publishers and editors were invaluable in helping me improve my skills as a writer. (I like that advice as well. I've entered contests and it's like with anything experience building is key to growing.)
3.       Do you feel that a romance has to have sex in order for it to be great?  Absolutely not! Sometimes I think sexual tension between two characters can be way hotter than the actual act of sexual contact.
           What draws you into a book?  An easy read, not too descriptive… I want to be able to use my own imagination and not have every teeny-tiny detail explained to me.  Likeable or humorous characters and a story that isn’t predictable.  (I agree. I love the tension in a story.)
5.       Where do you project to see yourself one year from now?  Wherever God wants me… I’m just along for the ride.  

6.       How would you define your writing career as a “success” and have you achieved it?  I have had some success in signing with a great publisher and jumped that hurdle of getting published.  Now, I think I determine my success in how people are responding to my books and how many books I can get out into the open market.  I don’t want my books only in the hands of a couple hundred people… I want them to go viral.  

Now for the Books...

NO EASY WAY  by S.R.Claridge  

Swerving with the kind of deliberate precision only blind rage can empower, the black pick-up crushes Kansas Oil Tycoon, Lou Martin Miller, leaving Miller’s widow with an impossible choice:  Cover the sin that lead to her husband’s death and conceal the identity of his killer, or risk the destruction of her family.  She carefully weaves a net of protection around her family, but the day she dies it begins to unravel, leaving her grandson, Tom, and his soon-to-be-ex-wife, Kate, in grave danger.   

Missing evidence, mistaken identity and manipulation leave private investigator, Stephen Braznovich, trapped between white lies and dark lusts, as he races to piece together a family secret before the next victim falls prey to deep-rooted revenge.  The trouble is anyone who gets close to the truth winds up dead. 

On the verge of an unwanted divorce, Tom must decide between a confession that could save his marriage or lie to save himself.  Tension mounts as Tom and Kate’s lives hang in a twisted balance of crossed lines and misunderstood motives, all pointing to one simple truth.  There is No Easy Way.


VHP Author Page

AMAZON Paperback  -  NO EASY WAY

Amazon Kindle US Edition

Barnes & Noble Paperback

Smashwords Multiformat (Kobo, Sony, Diesel, B&N ebooks, iPad, etc)



 Book Blurb

Angel Martin plans to marry Tony and live happily ever after… until Tony disappears.  Nursing a broken heart, she takes a job at Tetterbaum’s Pub, unaware it is the most prestigious Mafia hangout in Chicago. 
In a world filled with a pretense of innocence and a past filled with iniquity, Angel’s life hangs in a twisted balance of deception and revenge. Through an unlikely turn of events, Angel discovers her entire life has been a carefully orchestrated lie. No one is who they say they are and everyone has an agenda of their own. 
  Finding herself in the middle of a revengeful scheme from a past she’s never known and a Mafia blackmail scandal that’s already left several dead, Angel races to find answers.  The trouble is, the closer she gets to hidden evidence and tainted truths, the more the crime families want her out of the way.  With her true identity now exposed, learning who she can trust becomes a matter of life and death and unraveling the past is her only hope for staying alive. 


Tetterbaum’s Truth Video Trailer

Buy Links




Thank you so much for visiting and answering my questions. I'm excited to have more books on my TBR list. I vow never to have it conquered.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What does a dj, mararthon runner, and Lukemia have in common?

Check out my interview with Radio DJ for 103.3 Kiss FM over at the

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Signifigant Sunday...Taking A Day Off...But Holy Cow I Have a Deadline

As I look out my big bay window at the piling snow and the beauty it's creating I consider the fact that if we still lived in TN where we had to drive 30 minutes to get to church. It would be canceled. Admittedly it's an inviting thought to stay home. It's warm, the house always needs something done and I'm at least 4 chapters behind on my editing goals. If church was canceled I would most likely be able to catch up everything! Alas we live a block from our church in Idaho where snow is a seasonal thing and therefore they are prepared. 

Taking all those things into perspective I pose the question I know you are thinking. "Why are you blogging about editing when you could be doing it now?" I have decided now that writing is apparently my career or job choice if you will that I will refrain from working on Sunday. You have no idea the amount of panic deciding to do that has created. I'm over it now. For years I have counseled my husband not to work on exercise the faith that God has promised to those who are obedient to this commandment. Wow... boy is it harder to do when you are the one who should be doing it. Now do not think that I am judging or even counseling anyone else to do this. It's easier to make this decision when you are self employed.  And in theory if you work outside the home you would get a couple days off a week right? So I will take at least one.

What I won't do on Sunday...

  • No shopping
  • Don't participate in commercial activities like sports etc. 
 (By not doing these I won't be making people work for me on Sundays)
OK those you who know me know that I already don't do these things. Still I think I deserve a little credit. 

  • Not to post marketing posts on Facebook, Twitter or my Blog
  • Not to write, edit or even plot! (OK so I'll plot but I won't write it down till Monday)

The things that I will do on Sunday....

  • Attend all my church meetings (Yeah Yeah...I deserve credit anyway!)
  • Read leisurely.
  • Study my scriptures and delight in the words I read.
  • Serve my family and others.
  • Plan my week out such as meals, appointments etc so I can use my time wisely.
  • Have a night where we as a family will stay in and do something just as a family.
  • NAP!!!!
  •  Write my Significant Sunday posts
  • Try to make at least one made from scratch meal for my family. (This one is last for a reason.)

While I will most likely do laundry, dishes or clean a little and some might count that as work I'll just file that under serving my family. 

Do you have a day or time that is sacred to you and your family? If so when and why?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Being thin is not a good thing as an author... not at all.

In a world where being thin, thinner or thinnest is the motivating factor to breathe I love saying that "Being too thin is indeed a negative if not detrimental thing to an author."

How was this discovery made...that's as sweet as the statement. So I'm having conversation with bff G. G is probably more aware of my daily life than my husband is. It went a little something like this.

G:"Bri I've been praying about you and thinking about you lately..." (Yes my friend really prays for me. Believe me much prayer is needed to be my friend.)

B:"So what are you getting at?"

G: "I think you may be spreading yourself a little too thin with all these projects your taking on."

B: "Who me... no way!"

G: "No really sweetie..(when she dropped the "s word indicating that she is indeed older and so much more smarter and wiser than me not to mention cuter I knew she was serious) you want so much to be successful in your writing career I think you are taking on too much. Somewhere something is going to end up being neglected."

B: "But I can do it! I'm super!"

G. Yes sweetie I know (insert coddling voice like she is talking to a child) OK. Humor me and name everything you did yesterday.

B: (I was super excited to do this because I considered yesterday to be a very productive day compared to my others.) 5 AM...Walked 3 miles, yoga, social networking,read, editing 2 chapters of ms, taught daughter 5 letter sounds, set up calendar for to do lists, book reviews and writing obligations, social networking, blog, blog, blog, emailed, emailed, emailed, Lunch, set up meeting for next day where I'm helping a friend by doing some collaboration work, contacted three people to feature on my Examiner article, laundry, 3 loads of dishes in the dishwasher, social networking, skype call, email, email, email, blog, blog, blog, laundry, snack for kids, dinner for kids, piano, cookie run to local store because Lord knows I'm not baking, social media, church meeting, visit with friend, saw my husband just before bed and one of my kids. Sleep by 11pm.

G: "So you see what I'm talking about!"

B:"You"re right I should have never got those cookies. LOL"

Seriously people that was a totally everything fell into place awesome kind of day. That's not going to be the norm. My every actually really Super friend G put it to me like it is. I'm going to have to not take on more than I can chew. I honestly think I can make the commitments I've made work. Just a word of advice to other authors. Be selective and tactile in your projects. Remember you can't market crap no matter how pretty the package.

So have you ever been spread too thin?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Drama Pheromone

Poster credit:Ricky Ross
Most men would say we as women we are born with drama in our blood, like it's some sort of instinct. As the mother of two daughters, I would have to agree.

But if so at what age does it actually kick in? For me it would probably be at around two. I have been reminded most of my life of my abuse of the f-bomb at an early age.

One particular incident happened at the local Walmart, where from the front of a cart, I dropped that curse word on my dear grandmother in a tantrum. She promptly "slap my jaws" as she described it. I slapped her back. The slapping game went on until another shopper chastised my grandmother. But before she could respond I dropped the f-grenade on that good Samaritan. She just walked away.

That small scenario is a lifetime of dramatrix that I have cultivated. However, as an adult I have really tried to avoid and not instigate drama. It seems to find me no matter the efforts I employ. It's as if I have some sort of pheromone that people with drama are attracted to. They seek me out then feel the need to share the most intimate and astounding problems with me.

I've developed a theory that my addiction to Diet Pepsi may be a contributing factor. You know like if you smell sweet bees fly around you. Taking this theory and applying it to my life was a short lived experiment. After day three without soda I was sitting in a parking lot drinking it straight from the 2 room temperature. Yeah I said room temperature.

So I've come to the harsh but rational conclusion that drama and I... well we are a package deal. Oddly I'm at peace with it. Unfortunately I can't say the same thing for my other half. Since he's the one that suffers the most from her wrath. For example...there was that time he fell out of tree was briefly blinded and lifelighted to a hospital, or that time he broke his wrist then six months later had surgery on the opposite arm, oh and that time he totaled the car and hurt his back....well you get the point. Luckily the head injuries have worked to my benefit. He is still around.

One day a close friend and I were recounting the story of my dramatic life--laughing as usual. She suggested that I would make a great reality show. At first I thought she was right then I quickly reconsidered. The first time I dropped that f-bomb on TV would warrant a trip to the clergy's office and I don't want that.  Old habits die hard especially when one possesses the Drama Pheromone.

Do you have the drama pheromone?If so explain why.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Want Free Books....Like Scavenger Hunts....Don't Want To Leave The House...

To celebrate the launch of her new book Wayward Soul, Kim Bowman is holding a BLOG SCAVENGER HUNT February 15, 2011.
The contest will start at 9 a.m. EST at the Astraea Press blog Every half hour (9:30, 10, 10:30, and so forth) Kim will post a comment letting you know which blog to visit next. You will visit a total of 10 different blogs through the day. YOU MUST LEAVE A COMMENT ON EVERY BLOG IN ORDER TO WIN!
There will be a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place winner!!
First Place will receive an ebook gift basket that will include a copy of my new release Wayward Soul as well as two other Astraea Press releases, Rebekah Purdy’s Seeking Shapeshifters and Bri Clark’s Familial Witch, the future Astraea Press release Spartan Heart by Kristine Cheney, Stephanie Taylor’s new release My One True Love, a hard copy of Sylvia Browne's book Contacting Your Spirit Guide, and a $20 ecoupon to use for future purchases at!!
Second Place will receive 3 future Astraea Press ebook releases (Sucker for a Hot Rod by Joselyn Vaughn, Legend of the Oceina Dragon by J. F. Jenkins, and Therese Gilardi's Matching Wits with Venus) , an ecopy of my book Wayward Soul, and a $10 ecoupon to use for future purchases at!!

Third Place will receive 3 future Astraea Press ebook releases (Vanessa Barger's Into the Ether, Elaine Cantrell's A New Dream, and Kay Springsteen's Heartsight) and an ecopy of my book Wayward Soul.
Fourth Place will receive an ecopy of my new release Wayward Soul.

Check out my Astraea Press Books offered in the contests
It's going to be a ton of fun! I hope to see all of you!

If you have any questions, post it below in the comment section and I’ll answer!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Signifigant Sunday...The First of Many More....

Waking up this morning surfing Facebook and Twitter (like I do every morning) I saw how great the weather was back home, how great Saturday night was and a few ,as it often happens, that pulled at my heart strings. Yesterday I saw one that shared the turmoil a mother was enduring over the loss of an unborn child.  But it was this one that spawned the beginning of SignificantSunday.
"Taking the kids to see my Mom today for the last time! This is hard, however they seem fine."

I offered the customary...thinking of you...praying for you comfort comment. Then I stopped and thought of how many times had I really prayed when I said I would. The outcome is shameful to say the least. My prayers usually consisted of rushed thoughts as I went through my day. Taking that into consideration I decided today would be different and hopefully would spur a change. 

From now on when I say "I'm going to pray" for someone the definition will be different. It will consist of not just thoughts but folded hands, hidden knees and genuine heartfelt concern for those that need my love.  Even if my prayer must come later it's value I feel is more significant than a rushed mumbling of words. Now don't get me wrong a prayer in your heart and rushed mumbled words are heard as clearly as any other prayer. Nevertheless, for me...for my friends...I feel a change is in order...a change is deserved.

Whether your prayers are upon an alter, in a mosque, include candles or elaborate rituals the outcome is still the same. If you have a desire to uplift or comfort the afflictions of another or celebrate and praise in joy the blessings that surround the outcome is still the same.

The positivity through love that you have poured out into the universe is not only important, but powerful.

What will you do that's significant today?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cassie Exline...A Modern Day "She" Holmes...

I'm truly delighted to introduce Cassie Exline to the blog today. She is a multifaceted author combining suspense, mystery and even erotica into her books. I am truly impressed and excited to see her take a classic story like Sherlocke Holmes and Watson and put her own spin on it, creating the characters "Sheryl Locke Holmes" and "Dot Watson." Here is a little background on Cassie, then we will have an interview and (so excited) an exerts from  Ruby's Deadly Secret.

 Cassie works for a small town newspaper along the east coast of the United States. Writing has been her passion. Writing contemporary romance, erotica,  and mysteries have become her joy. Real life inspires much of Cassie’s erotic fiction. Her stories have been published at Ruthie’s Club, The Erotic Woman, Justus Roux, and Erotic Bookworm. Her two ebooks in the Sheryl Locke Holmes Series, Amber's Mysterious Death and Ruby's Deadly Secret, can be purchased at Wild Child Publishing. Currently in editing is the third book in the Holmes series, Opal's Disappearance. She also has a story, Fire & Ice, published in the anthology Coming Together: With Pride, available in ebook & print at Amazon. She’s a member of Erotica Author’s Association, Erotica Readers & Writers Association and Desdmona’s FishTank. 

1.       Have you ever googled yourself?  Yes. If so what did you see? That I’ve been busy.
2.       Do you have a mentor/s? If so who and what have you gained from their relationship? Oh yes, I work with a crit partner.  He makes me work hard and my most toughest critic, next to me, that I’ve encountered. I’m just glad he’s too far away to strangle. There are moments, but he is a great taskmaster and keeps me out of a rut.
3.       Have you considered self publishing? Yes. If so elaborate on whatever your decision was. I have self-published and am pleased with having total control. This was done under a different name. I think some misconceptions of self-publishing are that the writer couldn’t find anyone to buy her/his work. So wrong in a lot of cases. I’ve sold lots of short stories and have been under contract with several publishing houses. The key is to have fresh eyes and polish, polish, polish that self-published work. I’ve found mistakes in ebooks sold from reputable publishing houses. So no one is perfect.
4.       Do you follow writing blogs? If so which ones and why? Not writing blogs. I follow Four Strong Women, Wicked Writers, CJ England, Coffee Fueled Erotica, Willsin Rowe, Sommer Marsden. The why is because they are interesting blogs and friends I’ve had online. I do stop by other blogs and always on the look-out for anything interesting.
5.       How/where do you gather inspiration? From anything and everything. Songs, movies, my mind running wild.
6.       How do you gather information/research for a book? What’s the most significant experience you had with research? Research online of course. And if I know of anyone local I can talk to I do that and have done that. The most significant experience was I gathered ideas to enhance the character or for other books or scenes.
7.       Do you feel that a romance has to have sex in order for it to be great? No, but it needs suspense to make it great.
8.       What are you reading now? Just finished reading Guise and Dolls by Deb Baker. Her ebooks are on Smashwords.
9.       What draws you into a book? Great characters.
10.   Where were you in your career a year ago? Writing. I’m always writing. I’ve been published since 2005.
11.   Where do you project to see yourself one year from now? Writing.


Sheryl Locke Holmes:

Book 2: Ruby's Deadly Secret

By C.L. Exline

What do you get when you add a ruby, diary, secrets, and a mansion? A motive for murder. Sheryl Locke Holmes and her best friend, Dot Watson, have been offered an exciting opportunity to explore Bridgeside, a Victorian mansion, to search for items for their antique shop. Their adventure is short-lived when they discover a diary containing dark secrets and a newspaper clipping with a warning written in what appears to be blood. They get trapped in the attic, Dot is attacked and they find out the owner died inside the house. As if that isn't enough, Jake is spotted with another woman. Clues are pointing to Sheryl as the next target, no matter who gets in the way.

Ruby’s Deadly Secret came in number eight in Top Mystery Book of 2010 at Preditors & Editors Poll.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, beautiful cover art and exert from your book Cassie. I'm just truly impressed with the whole Sherlocke Holmes ideas and your cover art is amazing. Congrats and much more success. If anyone would like info no where to purchase Cassie's books or find out more info no her please check out the links below. 



Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Jesus Broke...Now I Can't Write...The Excuses Never Cease....

My beloved Christ picture broke...
It's my husbands fault...
How can I write in this emotionally charged atmosphere?

In the span of four days this is where my life was. Hubba hubby is in a wreck. A young woman tboned our family paid for mini van, totaling it, he was injured, missed work, we moved from an apartment to a house. While this is going on we still had church,basketball games and practices, chess club,piano etc. Needless to say life continued. On top of all that I had two writing deadlines.

First I'll start with the internal deadline. That deadline of the Internet doesn't come on until Thursday so I have until then to unpack, organize and decorate my big new house, seemed totally reasonable at the time. Did I ever mention I'm slightly neurotic?

So I'm pass the organizing and unpacking stage and now I'm into the decorating stage. This is the constant rant I'm hearing in the background, "No holes in the walls, don't mess up the hardwood, no holes in the walls, don't mess up the hardwood!" via my construction veteran husband hubba hubby. Did I mention he's totally neurotic. He can't help it he's a Yankee.

So I go and spend an obscene amount of money on damage free hanging hooks etc. I follow the directions precisely then hang my beloved Jesus picture. A picture I got 8 years ago and have moved over thousands and thousands of miles...and when we move less than a mile away it simply just falls off the wall shattering the glass!

For a brief second I regretted giving up my brass knuckles when I got put on probation that one time. I looked at hubba hubby and screamed "This is your fault!" Then promptly began picking up glass and crying. Jesus was placed in the garage and I was quiet. Quiet all through the car ride to the guitar recital, there and back. My thoughts were turning to how can I write with Jesus in the garage? That's the thing with excuses. You never run out.

So instead I long handed this post, broke the rest of the glass out of Jesus and hung him up anyway.Then got to cracking on the deadlines.

What excuses have you confronted when deadlines loom? How did you overcome them?

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Innocent Review and Interview

Getting caught is simply not an option.


It's been a year since Jack Marconi's wife was killed. Ever since, he's been slipping up at his job as warden at an upstate New York prison. It makes him the perfect patsy when a cop-killer breaks out--with the help of someone on the inside. Throwing himself into the hunt for the fleeing con, Jack doesn't see what's coming.Suddenly the walls are closing in. And in the next twenty-four hours, Jack will defy direct orders, tamper with evidence, kidnap the con's girlfriend--and run from the law with a .45 hidden beneath his sports coat. Because Jack Marconi, keeper of laws, men, secrets, and memories, has been set up--by a conspiracy that has turned everyone he ever trusted into an enemy. And everything he ever believed in into the worst kind of lie.

After I read this book I had the craziest dream that was a cross between the novels The Innocent, The Shining and the tv shows Paranormal State and Sisterwives. That's what Vincent Zandri's his magic power...his books take you to the depths of your morality, emotions and imagination. When you fall asleep after reading his work you are left asking yourself questions, "Would I have done the same thing? How would I have reacted? Do men really look at women when they stretch?"
Ok so that last part maybe not everyone would. I did. Once again we come to his gift. He provides an insight into people, men, women (he proved that in The Remains) and characters in a way people don't normally consider. He did it again in the Innocent. If I were back home in the south this would have already traveled the gossips circles twice before Sunday morning church. The Innocent a must have.

 Interview with Vincent Zandri...

1.      What did you see the first time you googled yourself?
I saw the future…Google would become the information source for me, my books, my adventures, my life…my cyber information mirror that will grow and live long after I’m dust.
          Did I read somewhere that you actually stay overnight in a prison? Is that true? What was it like? Were you shanked?

I did. When researching The Innocent, I spent two days and a night in the “honor block” of Sing Sing Prison. No I wasn’t shanked. The honor block consists mostly of old men who’ve been in prison so long they wouldn’t know what to do on the outside. Some of them maintain gardens outside the block walls. The warden couldn’t put me in General Population. Because then for certain I would have been shanked or shivved.

3.    What was your research like on this project?

Months of interviews with the late David Harris, New York State’s first Black Max Security warden. Months of field trips to Sing Sing and Green Haven prison. Months inside a library, and online. I was also in writing school at the time up in Vermont. It was an exhausting but at the same time exhilarating experience. When I was done with the writing, I spent three days in bed. That’s around the time my first wife told me she was divorcing me. I said, “Promise?”    
(Really?...I would have shanked you while you were sleeping.)

4.    How many virtual blog tours have you done to date? What kind of success have you had from them?

I believe this is my fourth. Success is dictated by how well you work the tour stops over the social networks. All my recently published novels have been Amazon bestsellers in several categories including hard-boiled and psychological suspense. Even romantic suspense. I guess that means my characters are tough, will play with your mind, and make great lovers. (two out of three ain't bad.)

5.    The Innocent was published previously…(I won’t say the other title because I think it is a horrid wretched title and I forbid you to use it at all on my page!) would you please summarize what happened?

The novel was published by one of the Big Six some years ago. It got amazing reviews like “Brilliant…” in the New York Post, and “The most arresting crime novel to break into print this season,” by The Boston Herald. Even Harlan Coben and Don Winslow willingly provided awesome blurbs. DreamWorks gave it three reads and there was talk of an option from none other than Steven Spielberg. Clooney read it, and so did Pacino. Some others too. Foreign rights were sold to Japan and the Netherlands. Then the corporate boys in NYC decided to merge my imprint with another and everyone in my house got either canned or assimilated into the other house. Interest in promoting the book was halted and in no time, it was remaindered. However, they refused to give up the rights to this one and the follow-up Godchild for quite a few years. In other words, they held two books of mine hostage. 
(hearing stuff like this gives me nightmares!)

Now since The Innocent is back out, it’s been an Amazon Kindle Bestseller in both Hard-Boiled and Psychological Suspense. Godchild has also just been re-released, and I fully expect it to be a bestseller. StoneGate Ink is planning on putting both books together in a special Kindle collectors edition in a few months. 

6.       You mentioned in a post once that you marketed yourself aggressively for a year and that you were going to stop that. I have noticed your marketing is formidably lighter than before. Has that had a negative impact on your sales? (do I sound like I stalk you here)

Actually, I believe I said I would stop the aggressive guerrilla marketing now that I had been back on the scene for a full year. I now have enough of an audience…a steadily expanding audience…that I can handle marketing my books via blogs, hosting guest blogs, virtual tours, appearances, social networking, trailer teasers and more, without having to email people personally begging them to give my books a try. It’s too much like spam and sometimes it can piss people off…something I’ve always been pretty good at without filling up their email bins. But that kind of aggressive approach was necessary at the time. And sales have doubled and tripled since this time last year. I expect them to double and triple again over the course of 2011. Same for 2012, and so on…probably for a 5 year period or so. Soon I won’t have to do so much journalism to make a living. Or, at the very least, I’ll be able to be more selective with my story topics. 

7.     From one author to another do you have any pet words that you have a habit of using in your writing? (Mine are Perhaps and Nevertheless) If so how do you reign in their use?

A fan of mine once wrote me to point out that I use the “worm smell” metaphor at least once in every one of my novels. In other words, “the hospital room where the body was laid out smelled like wet worms.” Or something like that.  Now I want to use the worm smell thing once in every book I write just to make sure he reads them. (so your saying that if I point something out to will compulsively write it in your books? Wow the possibilities....)

8.     The Concrete Pearl is your next female protagonist led novel…tell us about that…(Tarnation I’m so a cyber stalker…you need a cyber restraining order!)

I was raised and groomed for the construction business, my dad being the president of pretty good sized commercial firm in Albany. I wanted to wrap a story around what I knew about the business. When some dudes I knew personally got involved in an asbestos abatement scam and were eventually busted for it by the FBI, I knew I had the basis for what eventually became what I hope will be viewed as a pretty unique suspense thriller—a female construction business owner goes on the hunt for a disappeared asbestos removal contractor after he’s exposed more than 300 kids of deadly asbestos fibers for more than a year.

My protagonist, Ava “Spike” Harrison, is both beautiful and brassy (sort of like you, Bri!) and up against it. She carries framing hammer (what she called her “equalizer’) instead of a pistol. I’d try and date her if she didn’t live inside my head. By the way: the last time I heard the word “tarnation” was on a Bonanza rerun. (Awe thanks for the compliment V...whats a Bonanza?)

9.   How many emails on average do you get a day? How many do you return?

It varies, but about 100, give or take. I open only a few of them and return even less, because I can either write or stare at AOL all day. And I never answer IMs I get during the day. However, if you are a writer, especially newbie, and you’d like some advice, etc. please don’t hesitate to write and I will try and get to you in a timely manner. Just put something in the subject heading that makes me aware of your presence…something like “NOT SPAM!” 
(I'll personally valge for that one. He is amazing at supporting those that are genuinely seeking advice. I stress genuine. He's not one to coddle or placate an me.)

10.   In the beginning of The Innocent there is  commentary from Heath Lowrance that I just loved. It was very funny and beautifully worded, truly complementary. However,  on  the part where he says “Some say Zandri—who, remember, is a sort of world traveling action man type—was forced on the lam after seducing the wife of a prominent South East Asian warlord.” Why would he say something like that?

Actually, he got the geography wrong. I have been to South East Asia but I made it out unscathed, having only begun a small affair with my translator/guide. Or, I believe, I tried to start a small affair with her, and her quick bruising slap to the left side of my face made it clear that No Means No!

What Heath is referring to is when I was in West Africa on assignment for RT last June, I found myself alone inside a hut with the daughter (not wife) of a voodoo master (Benin is the voodoo capital of the world). While gripping a machete, the master kindly asked me to perform a ceremonial ritual…You know what? Maybe I’d better leave it at that.   

Well leave it to Vincent to weave a tale into two paragraphs. Thanks for visiting us and I do hope you will come again. Perhaps finish that tale of a ceremonial ritual. You are going to at least tell me right?
If anyone has any questions please leave them below. He is great at answering them. If you are interested in purchasing The Remains or The Innocent or checking out more about Vincent Zandri...well just click the high lighted words.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Familial Witch Release Day....and Contest

To Celebrate the release of Familial Witch with Astraea Press I have decided to have a contest. So here's how it works. Share this blog post on twitter, facebook, or your blog and contact me letting me know you did it. You can email me, leave a facebook comment, or tweet me. One entry per person. The contest starts now and will end at midnight Feb 3, 2011. The winner will be chosen at random from Now for the prize....there will be two winner. One will receive a pdf copy of Familial Witch the other will receive a pdf copy of Caffe' Seduzione a romantic suspense short also available. 

About the book

Lucien Lemione the clan leader of the feared and revered Eternals is faced with the ultimate betrayal. His second in command for two centuries has not only created the most grievous of offenses but also commissioned the creation of liquid silver. When poisoned by this toxin, an immortal suffers a fate much worse than death, frozen in an internal prison. After being wounded when found spying, he hides deep within the eerie woods that encircle the Triad Mountains. Desperate and in pain, he prays to an offended mother goddess for help. Her answer: a woman, but not just any woman. A witch.

After losing her entire coven at the hands of the Eternals, Aisleen is the last of her kind. She retreats from the world to Trinity Forest where she is giving the opportunity of a lifetime, or perhaps a test of principles. Its there she discovers the man she heals is the Eternal that wiped out her people. Although she is bound as a healer, she could be creative in her revenge. Aisleen knows who and what Lucien is but does not speak of it. There can be no future with Lucien for she can only be with a mortal man. Even if she wanted to be with him, can she forgive the man that caused the genocide of her people?

Lucien must act quickly for the survival of his clan is at stake. However, Aisleen's ethereal beauty and emerald eyes keep pushing those thoughts far from his mind. Determined to find out what secret she hides, he prolongs his time with her. When his people need him most what will he choose ¦duty, desire, or will he make his own fate?
You can choose love but you can't choose destiny.

An excerpt from the book

Lucien heard the intake of her breath, and then the soft pads of her steps approach him. He'd not wanted to ask for help but desperately needed it. The wound in his arm shifted between extreme pain to numbness. Both were equally bad and drained his energy. He knew exactly where she had hid. If the pain weren't so bad, he would have smiled. He was impressed with her stealth. Attempting a deep breath, he looked up to see what quality of wench lived among these woods. She would have to be single, most likely homely at best. No husband would live here much less allow his wife to wander these woods alone. She would become enchanted with him. Mortal women always had and it ended with their broken hearts, which is why he avoided mortals entirely. An Eternal, especially a clan leader, could not connect themselves to mortals. To ensure the continuation of the species of purebloods it was highly suggested Eternals only procr eate with Eternal. This fact reminded him of Alastair's betrayal, adding to his pain.
He reluctantly raised his eyes to inspect her. His breath caught. Thick raven dark locks framed an ivory face with flame red lips, while empathetic emerald eyes surveyed his condition. Wearing a white peasants dress, she appeared ethereal moving toward him through the mist. His breath came out in a rush, and his pulse seemed to scream within his skull. Without a word she positioned herself under his bad shoulder and bore his weight easily. He was astonished a body so petite could hold him up. Silently she guided him along. He asked her no questions putting all his energy into moving. The pain was good though. It meant the liquid silver hadn't been released encasing him in a frozen prison.

 Familial Witch can be purchased here along with other great books from Astraea press releasing today and in the future. Thanks for the support and don't forget to enter the contest.
