Friday, September 30, 2011

Make Time For Twirps

KC Neal is a local YA author releasing Pyisis soon, I follow on Twitter. Which makes her a Twirp but she's also my friend. The last time I saw her was in April and even though she ragged me for having a minivan, when we parted we made plans for lunch again soon.

Well now 6 months later we finally got together. After an hour and a half where we talked on varying subjects from husbands, sleep, YA platform and how it crosses over to Romance, pit stains & tongue rings I've vowed not to wait that long again!

KC is a breath of fresh air. After hanging I feel creatively renewed. I think that has a lot to do with the physical presence of being with another author.

There is a whole world of support for us online. However, we still need that human connection at times. Thanks KC.

I'm Here Today...

Today I am guest posting over at Four Strong Women. I know I would wouldn't I. This is an amazing blog but they do discuss some very intimate things, there is an 18 and up post for a reason. There is no cussing or anything offensive in my post it's just not something not around my normal lines. Proceed if you like.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Imagination Has It's Drawbacks

Often times authors receive ideas for books through dreams. It could be one event or even a person that spawns the creation of an epic series.

Take Twilight for instance, Stephanie Meyer simply had a dream of a beautiful boy with sparkling skin and classic features sitting in a meadow with an average girl. See what happened!!

Epic Series...

Then there is the down side. There are times where you have a dream and go WTH. These dreams should not be developed or thought too much into.

For example, last night I dreamed I was hanging with the Golden girls on their lanai. I was like "Are you guys really canceling the show? Do you know how many generations need you? And who put this hole in the drywall?" They looked on at me guiltily.

See what I mean. Crazy! LOL. Don't get me wrong I love the Golden Girls and watched them with my granny. But I'm not feeling any epic series developing from that.

So any crazy dreams for you lately?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Abduction Review

Today I caught the matinee with the hubster. Another one of our date days. I had high hopes for it but was let down. The script was meant to make Taylor Lautner an action hero and while he could easily be. The plot was so lacking. He has the capacity to play a character with much deeper dimensions as he's shone in the Twilight role.

I'd give it 2.5 stars.

Scales how we measure

Tap the green circle, wait for 0, then step on. I do that 3xs then take the lowest number. It's not exactly scientific but it's mentally positive.

The same thing can be applied to our weight as authors. I'm often asked "How's it going?" referring to my career. I always answer "Great!" then share recent accomplishments, goals, & responsibilities related to my job.

Because I know my worth. We set our own value. Frankly I'm priceless and so are you. Now say that three times and believe it.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Date Night on Tuesday

For 5 years Friday night has been our date night. However, as our kids Have become increasingly busy we've adapted. So now on Tuesday while one has a commitment for 90 minutes we have our dates.

Romance doesn't happen it's made. Woo your mate. Desire their time. It's truly amazing.


I"M Sorry I'm Late...The Winners Are

 Grand Prize Winner: DANIELLE OF ROMANCING THE BOOK JUNKIES  gets an eBook of each of my books including an ARC of my upcoming Halloween Novella Scent of a Witch. Those books included are Glazier, Cafe' Seduzione, Familial Witch and Scent of a Witch. 

First Place Winner: LAURIE LU A print or eBook copy of Glazier Additionally for authors a first three chapter critique.

Second Place Winner: KIM C eBook of Familial Witch and if an author a review of their choice of book to be reviewed within two weeks of receipt of book.

Third Place Winner: BLUESHEDEVIL eBook of Caffe' Seduzione and a shout out on all my social media encouraging friendship and following.
Congrats to all the Winners and thanks for all your support. 

Jiminey Crickets

So I've been walking with two friends at odarkthirty for 2 years. Now we are bootcamp bouncers bouncing around from each one that's cheap for their trial period. While I'm pleased to report I've lost over 20lbs and in the lady 2 weeks 6 combined inches.4 was in my chest. That is terrible! Criminey I need a snickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog Hop Ends

Thank you all for commenting, following, friending and liking. I'm so stoked to get to know you all better. The Hop is now closed. Winners will be announced Wednesday on the blog September 28th, 2011. Stay tuned for those winners and for more contests.


Just to check in about my bootcamps. It's been many months. I will have my hour glass figure by the end of Oct. I will look like Jessica Rabbit only with cropped blonde hair. And I still have dimples in my belly but they are deeper so progress is being made that is all.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall Between The Pages Blog Hop Tour: Autumn Magic

Welcome welcome huns! I love fall like a hound loves a hunt. But what I like better is giving away prizes. But first for the legalities.

Tour Rules
1) HAVE FUN!!!


3) THIS TOUR STARTS: Monday, Sept 19, at Midnight (Arizona Time)
THIS TOUR ENDS: Monday, Sept 26, at Midnight (Arizona Time)
Winners will be drawn and posted Sept 27! ***




***Hosts have full discretion to choose an alternate winner in the event any winner fails to claim their prize(s) within 72 hours of their name being posted or after notification of win, whichever comes first. Anyone who participates in this blog hop tour is subject to these rules***

Image courtesy of Devian art
 For me as an author and reader autumn is a magical time of year for a couple of reason. One is Halloween tends to bring out those releases that are more horror or paranormal which I adore. Second in my recent studies surrounding the research I have sought out for Scent of a Witch and Familial Witch there is a certain power to the change of the season in pagan beliefs that add to the wonder. 

Belle of Boise Contest Rules
1) Follow my blog leave me a question or a comment here below. Please also leave your email address so I can notify you in case you are a winner!
2) Go to my fan page at:!/pages/Bri-Clark-Author/150106235050819 and say hello. If you like what you see, become a fan by "Liking" my page and adding me to your favorites. If you would like to also add me as a personal friend, feel free to send your friend request to!/TBriClark.

4) If you Tweet, click on my Twitter link and follow me at:!/Bri_Clark 
5) If you like what you see from me then check out my publisher's pages too. Stone House Ink and Astraea Press. Right now Stone House had a Kindle and Nook contest going. 

Product Description
Antony is an Italian business man with conflicting upbringings...a child of a mafia don killed when he was an adolescent then the adopted child of hardworking Italian restaurant owners. When things don't go as easy as he likes he reverts back to family contacts to get what he wants and Antony wants Colleen.

Colleen is an average mother and wife living in Treasure Valley Idaho. Upon meeting a charming Antony Deluca in a coffee shop an emotional digital affair begins. However, Colleen's conscience intercedes and she ends communication with Antony. Then Colleen's husband produces a trip to Italy, Rome Italy. The very city Antony resides in.

Is it fate... or something more sinister bringing them together?

Product Description

Marie Kincaid is devastated after losing her family in a violent crash…so she runs. One morning, she awakes in an infirmary with total memory loss and a new power: Glazier. The cold frozen mists of Glazier’s instincts enable Marie to embark on a new life free of pain but most importantly free of the past. Heightened senses, accelerated strength,speed, and learning abilities make Marie a perfect candidate to be a spy…also a perfect companion for Henry Tenison, the only other known Glazier.

Henry, a loner and proud rogue finds his world upended when his connection to Marie is forged. Unsure of how to progress, he endeavors to keep it strictly professional. As far away missions and romantic surroundings entice him into pursuing his deeper desires, he caves. However, Marie’s love changes everything.

Determined to free them both of the spy world and the hold Glazier has over their lives, Henry implements a plot to disappear. However, when things become dangerous in their latest mission and memories of Marie’s past surface suggesting another man…will Henry’s efforts come too late? If Marie remembers her past, will she still want their future?
Product Description 
Lucien Lemione the clan leader of the feared and revered Eternals
After losing her entire coven at the hands of the Eternals, Aisleen is the last of her kind. She retreats from the world to Trinity Forest where she is giving the opportunity of a lifetime, or perhaps a test of principles. It’s there she discovers the man she heals is the Eternal that wiped out her people. Although she is bound as a healer, she could be creative in her revenge. Aisleen knows who and what Lucien his…but does not speak of it. There can be no future with Lucien for she can only be with a mortal man. Even if she wanted to be with him, can she forgive the man that caused the genocide of her people?

Lucien must act quickly for the survival of his clan is at stake. However, Aisleen’s ethereal beauty and emerald eyes keep pushing those thoughts far from his mind. Determined to find out what secret she hides, he prolongs his time with her. When his people need him most what will he choose…duty, desire, or will he make his own fate?

You can choose love but you can’t choose destiny.
 Grand Prize Winner: An eBook of each of my books including an ARC of my upcoming Halloween Novella Scent of a Witch. Those books included are Glazier, Cafe' Seduzione, Familial Witch and Scent of a Witch. 

First Place Winner: A print or eBook copy of Glazier Additionally for authors a first three chapter critique.

Second Place Winner: eBook of Familial Witch and if an author a review of their choice of book to be reviewed within two weeks of receipt of book.

Third Place Winner: eBook of Caffe' Seduzione and a shout out on all my social media encouraging friendship and following.
Don't forget to go back to the linky list Here and check out the rest of the hop for more prize chances and amazing content.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sweet Saturday Samples: If you can tie shoes you can tie a corset.

This is from my next release Scent of Witch with Astraea Press. This is an interaction between Mauve de Paer and Fionn Sweeney. The last Scent Witch and an Immortal Tracker who hunts them.
The sample and the release are both PG. Enjoy.

Even if he was toying with her she would give him a show, but fear would not be part of this production. With an eye only on the mission in front of her, she squared her shoulders.
“Can you tie shoes ?” She asked the man who accelerated her pulse. He pulled his eyebrows together but nodded.
 “Well then you can tie a corset, can you help me?” She nodded at her back. A look passed through his eyes before his face became emotionless again. But he moved behind her.

Like my facebook page or follow me on Twitter to see the cover art release and attend all the prerelease festivities in the next few weeks.  

And don't forget to head back to Sweet Saturday Sample to check out more great snippets.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Quiet I'm Creating a Masterpiece

There comes a time my fair readers where I am busy. I know there was a collective gasp through cybersphere. But alas I am. In Sept. I have a blog tour going on for Glazier with Pump It Up Books. I'll be posting a tab for that later. I'm doing work for my publishers Astraea Press and Stone House Ink. I've got to finish Eternal Witch by the end of September as well. In addition to my new release Scent of a Witch releasing around Halloween. So that's September for ya.

With that said. I am going to be taking a break from the blogging schedule. No blogging but the schedule. So September will be a hit and miss month for the posts. Sorry huns.

Additionally I will also announce I'm in the throws of a secret masterpiece project I'll be revealing in Oct. Squee I'm excited. Yes I squeed. God Help Us All.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sweet Saturday Samples: Can't have sweet without a little action

While being sweet is all well and good it's not my first instinct. With that being said. I'm going to pull from my latest release Glazier. Right now the eBook is 99 cents and the print came out. Just for clarification Berg is a horse Marie is riding.

In the same instant, I saw the guard with the machine gun turn and the one with the dirt bike edge closer, his own gun drawn. Henry turned to defend himself. I urged Berg up beside the dirt bike. Berg was so fast the man on the bike didn’t suspect a thing. I had to keep my promise to Berg. So I did what I do best, I climbed.
I maneuvered both my legs to the opposite side of Berg’s back. He maintained speed with the bike. I gripped his neck and twirled around him like a trapeze artist kicking the guard off the bike sending him sailing to the ground. I landed gracefully back in place. Henry jumped on behind me. Berg didn’t even flinch with the added weight.

Don't forget to continue on for more Sweet Sample. My teeth already hurt. And if you want to find out what happened next or before even in Glazier. Click the little link at the bottom.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Hey You! Want To Get Published? Here's a Contest

One of my publishers Stone House Ink is holding a contest. Where anyone can apply to add a chapter to an ongoing collaborative eBook.

Entries are emailed in, 5 finalists will be picked, then uploaded to the blog to be voted on by the public.

Each month's winner will be awarded a prize. In addition to a grand prize winner at the end who will receive an agent package.

You can keep entering each month there is no limit.

Just go here and check out the details.