Sunday, November 27, 2011

Time Well Spent

Today is the last day with Granny. I love my granny and so does my family. She hasn't been out to see us in four years. It's been that long since we celebrated a holiday with her either.

In the seven days she's been with us we had Thanksgiving dinner, went to lunch for her birthday (its in Dec) and had Christmas morning with her. It's been kind of busy since she's been here doing all the shopping and stuff. Then yesterday she had a bad night and was tired and lethargic all day.

Because of that we didn't go to church. Our family is very active in our religion and though granny doesn't attend our church she is supportive. However, I felt like it was important to just simply be with her today. She feels better, Sundays are always laid back, and it is her last day as she leaves first thing in the morning. There is a small twinge of guilt that I didn't attend but I love my Savior and he loves my granny. I can tell she's really happy we stayed and are just hanging out for the day.

What about you? Have you ever felt slightly guilty but then decided not to regret it?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Farsighted: This review is more than about a book

In this post I decided to go a step beyond. With my business where I help authors as a consultant, Belle Consulting, I have learned a lot about the dynamics of what compels a reader to buy a book. What makes this book climb the Amazon charts vs this one. A common denominator in this study is the social media platform an author has. Or author platform as it is often called now. People will buy a book if they like the author initially, then if the cover art, blurb, and price all come together. If the book was enjoyable they will buy others. Nevertheless the key ingredient, where it all begins, is liking the author. With that said in this review you will get a book review and an author review. We will start with the book first.

Book Review

Product Description

Alex Kosmitoras's life has never been easy. The only other student who will talk to him is the school bully, his parents are dead-broke and insanely overprotective, and to complicate matters even more, he's blind. Just when he thinks he'll never have a shot at a normal life, a new girl from India moves into town. Simmi is smart, nice, and actually wants to be friends with Alex. Plus she smells like an Almond Joy bar. Yes, sophomore year might not be so bad after all.

Unfortunately, Alex is in store for another new arrival--an unexpected and often embarrassing ability to "see" the future. Try as he may, Alex is unable to ignore his visions, especially when they begin to suggest that Simmi is in danger. With the help of the mysterious psychic next door and new friends who come bearing gifts of their own, Alex must embark on a journey to change his future.

Alex is a character I enjoyed tremendously. But didn't expect to. While I am predominantly a romance reader I do have an eclectic taste. So when I was offered the opportunity to read farsighted I was very interested. Anytime an author tries to write about a handicap they themselves don't have it is a challenge. But for this novel to be a debut I was especially tempted to see if Chand could pull it off. She did.

While the beginning did a drag just a tad when it picked up it didn't stop with twits and turns that were not all true to the genre but to the characters. And I finally got to my favorite part...the characters. Chand didn't skimp on development. I bet she can tell you the brand of underwear the bully Brady wears. While the protagonist Alex is obviously thoroughly researched and expressed the secondaries are as well. From the intriguing sweet smelling Indian girl Simmi to the quirky psychic neighbor. 

This is a read I highly suggest from not just the young adult crowd it was meant for to anyone of any age who likes true characters, unexpected twists and a all around fun read. 

Author Review 

Emlyn Chand....Her bio says she was born with a fountain pen in hand and she runs a book club in Ann Arbor and that she also is the president of an author PR firm called Novel Publicity. What it doesn't say is that Emlyn works sometimes 100 hours a week. That her efforts to educate, support and lead authors she often isn't paid for. If my assumptions are true I'd say about half of the time she spends on Novel Publicity she isn't paid for. But that's the way of most startups. Thus we come to another part of Emlyn. Her pr firm is less than a year old. It's success stems from Emlyn's willingness to share information and experience with an eagerness that is signature to her friendly nature. Always one quick to interact with those around her from G+ hangouts to creating forums for authors to have support and sounding boards we all go through. 

How do I know all this? Is Emlyn my FB Bff?

No. However, we are Facebook friends and that's where I met her. All these are the observations of seeing her posts and my interactions with her as a colleague as well as friend online. If you never buy Farsighted...which is currently 99 need to know Emlyn Chand. You won't be sorry.

To know Emlyn better click here

To buy Farsighted click here.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lepoard Print, The Trojan and Service

Yesterday my laptop, the cornerstone to my consulting firm where I am publicist to several clients got a Trojan. At the time I didn't know what had happened but essentially it was all so sudden I almost had a nervous breakdown. I was uploading an eBook for a client and then all hell broke loose. All my windows shut down and this alarm sounded then it was trying to prompt me to download something and a scan started on my computer I had not prompted. Then when I shut the laptop, because I had enough sense not to accept or download anything, the sound of a pig squealing sounded scaring the day lights out of me and a box popped up saying some one was hacking my computer enable this. When in reality as soon as I disconnected from the Internet their efforts were all but cut off. 

After several deep breaths I called my computer guy. You know that friend you have that knows about computers that you call when you feel like vomiting your stomachs in so many knots at 7PM on a holiday week. Yeah I got one of those. The main reason being he is my best friends husband. Before he has come to our aide. However, this is where he differs from others I have known. His charity is amazing. When we were really down and out he let me pay him in brownies...plain brownies. No embellishments like nuts or marshmallow but simply requests plain brownies. After leaving my laptop with him one night I now have my computer back, my husband downloaded even more intense protection, and when I ask how much I can pay him he doesn't respond. Because his wife forbid me from bringing brownies, they are trying to lose weight, I'm kind of stuck.

Which brings me to the leopard print in the title. While out with the visiting granny my daughters had a Claire's gift card to cash in, plus the granny that lives far away and was with us is always a gold mine. While at Claire's I found a leopard print phone cover for the wife of computer guy, aka bff. She's been wanting one, I bought the wrong size for her birthday....simple right? I bought it for her.

When arriving to pick up the fixed laptop I showed it to her and she literally squealed with delight. That in itself was a payment I never expected she's of the most refined lady's with genteel and polite behavior and she was on her best because she was meeting my granny for the first time. Which brings me full circle. I know her husband is thrilled she's thrilled I made her happy and to him that's payment enough. But I love her and would have done it fix or not. I also know he believes in the blessings of heaven coming to those who serve quietly. So I have purposely left out their names.

So how do I show my appreciation to the literal knight who saved me from the Trojan menace?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hanging pictures on the wall

This week I did something I haven't done in 3 years. Not since we lost the house we owned. Not after we moved 2,000 miles away from family....not even in 1 of our 4 moves in 3 years. I dug out family photos and hung them on the wall. You know those newborn, soccer, school play pictures of your kids you will love forever. Yeah those.

In my superstitious mind I thought by putting them up it was like inviting yet another move. But my granny is coming I have a beautiful home, it's the holidays and I want it to be a home with my mark. So the hell with it.

I'm living for the moment.

I also decided to do a different Christmas color scheme. For 6 years it's been purple and gold not this year! It's traditional green, red and gold. I may even do 3 trees!

So what about y'all? Any superstitions?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Psyched Out - M.A. MacAfee

Can a human pacemaker implanted in a dog cause the animal to take on human traits? Absolutely! Ollie Kline would answer, and he ought to know. An aspiring psychic detective with a cardiac pacemaker, Ollie is killed in a drive-by shooting outside the Pastime where he tends bar. He awakes inside Mugsy, a pug dog, who also has a heart problem and who receives Ollie’s recycled pacemaker. Aware his cardiac device was stolen from his corpse, Ollie wonders what other body parts were taken. Ollie uses his telepathic powers to enlist the help of Nora Cole, the sister of Mugsy’s owner. On receiving Ollie’s thoughts from the dog, Nora fears she’s lost her mind. To verify her sanity, she agrees to help Ollie find his killers. Ollie, Nora, and Mugsy, the pug dog, conduct an investigation which leads them on a merry romp into the illegal side of the human body-parts trade, as well as the dark underbelly of the funeral business. They encounter creepy mortuary workers, graveyard ghosts, and a few brushes with the law—antics which underscore a common truism: adversity is the wellspring of humor. It’s all in the delivery.

Psyched Out – M.A. MacAfee

Score: 40
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

What Worked: For the most part, I enjoyed this book. It was cleverly written, and the premise is definitely something I wouldn't normally pick up on my own. It's unique, witty, and clever. It takes on a new kind of underground world. Through the help of Nora, dear Ollie is able to accomplish quite a bit, and there are some nice twists and turns. The novel is well written, quirky, and the characters are diverse and each have a personality of their own. I especially like how the author combines the canine world with the human one. There are animal instincts mixed with the human ones, and how to find that balance. Oh, and crazy pet outfits are a wonderful humorous touch.

What Didn't Work: Some of the background information was just kind of thrown in there. It would have been nice to see a bit more build up, or more narrative explaining things. All of a sudden I find out our hero is doing something with another character that I hadn't expected. It's hard to describe without giving away spoilers, but just know some of the events come out of the blue. I also didn't like our hero too much, but I didn't take points or penalize the author for that personal preference. I would love to see more sensory development too with his canine body. The world looks and smells different as a dog. For the most part the emotions are touched on well, but I'd have loved to “see” more through his eyes.

Overall: I was entertained. I generally don't pick up books like this on my own, but I'm glad I decided to give this one a review because it was fun. If you're in the mood for something light, funny, quirky, and unique, then I would pick this up. It's a fun mystery with a lot of good wit.

***I got this book for free from the author for the purpose of review***

Peace, love, and bulletproof pugs - J

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

In 6 months I'll be 30

How did this happen?

I just got done nailing down my 20s!

I'm really good at being in my 20's!

Do you know how obnoxious I've been to my older friends?

These are some of the things that's race through my mind as April approaches. I may be 29 but truly if you've read my bio, know me in person or online you know I've lived the life of a 40+ woman.

What I know so far....

I'm done having kids. 2 teen boys. 2 girls in school full time I'm done.

I've been married for 12 years and I don't just love my husband I NEED him and it feels good.

I'm friends with my granny and my moma. We listen to each other and it's fun.

I love my life, my jobs, colleagues, church, home, car, family friends. I'm truly content.

I can live like a king on $3000 a month. For a family of 6 that's showing some mad skill. Not to mention at one time I made $12,000 a month and it still wasn't enough.

What I don't know...

What is going on with my skin?

Will I always have this much energy?

Will I get to travel like I want to?

Am I going to get lung cancer from those 2 packs a day for six years?

Why are all the girls my sons date scared of me?

How is it possible I can look at a tiny newborn baby and not go awe? Instead I look at the mom, say a prayer and Thank God I'm done.

That's my 30 rant. What age did you freak out over?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What's the proper way to grieve?

Death surrounds me a lot this weekend. Has forced me to consider mourning. How each person mourns in a different way. Caused me to consider how I mourn.

One friend, a long dear friend, lost her 1 day old son. She's reached out to friends on Facebook sharing her grief and thanking those for support. A normally very private person she's reached out in this way. As if to gather strength from the numerous comments that reach across oceans and miles. And for her maybe that is how she will heal by drawing on that strength found in reaching out.

Another, special woman to me, her friend died. While she told me she also expressed her desire not to talk. She then texted she'd wrote 3k for Nano and cleaned her garage. Later her husband took her shopping. All this to keep her busy. To allow herself distraction until the time was right and she could process her grief.

Once again this caused me to consider. "How do I mourn?" Mourning is not limited to death. It can be financial loss, a contrite spirit for mistakes made, generally any disappointment.

I think I use a combination of my two friends. Depending on what specifically happened would determine my course. However, a key element, the cornerstone for me and my two friends as well is our faith...a faith we all share.

So dear reader how do you grieve?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Paw paw was a vet

This is terribly late but very heart felt. My paw paw or grandfather for anyone unsoutherner was my dad in every way that counted. He taught me about honor, patience, bird houses, how to drive, how to change oil, sharpen a blade, listen for bobcats while hiking and to be quiet when granny look like that. Now after merchant marines, 101st Airborne, 3 wars and countless jumps his body is failing and sadly some days his mind. But I love and appreciate him. And when he calls me 2,000 miles away and needs me to fix the tv, cell phone, or call Tricare I'm grateful to be needed.

Whose your Vet?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

School Book Fairs Are My Kryptonite

I tried! I really did but the whole PTA, crafts, and fundraisers thing make me react like a heroine addict day two of detox.

Paranoia, shakes, darting eyes, get it.

I'm not one of those cookie cutter moms. But that's ok. When I saw books I knew I'd last at least 30 minutes.

It was more like 20. But we gave money to the school. The girls got great books and I was a great mom for at least 15 minutes.

Monthly quota filled!

And the little vampire and I are starting Bunnicula. A vampire rabbit!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wait is a four letter word

If you've followed the Belle you know that waiting and anything vaguely resembling patience is  not my virtue.

I'm a woman of action and persistence comes more naturally than waiting.

However, there are times in your life where you really do have to sit still. Where you have to literally wait for the things around you to align so that you can proceed. That scripture , Be still and know that I am God, really comes into play here.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pxyis: YA With Color

So I haven't been posting as normally as I'd like in the review categories. But I have some new gals coming on and I can't wait until they get started. Until then there are those special people that I just have to make time for. One of them is K.C. Neal and her debut YA novel Pyxis.

This is a story that breaks ideas that people have about YA by leaps and bounds. But's not time for the review. First I'll let you know that the benevolent KC has offered up a Kindle to win and all you have to do is follow The Belle of Boise. Like KC's Facebook page. All the links and stuff are at the bottom through rafflecopter. Now for more about KC, her book and my review.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

I woke up at odark thirty aka butt crack of dawn on this Nov 1 not with thoughts of holiday shopping or Nano but with grateful joy.

I walked down my steps to my office and it only grew.

I sat down at the computer and began printing off coupons and organizing my lists with happiness waking me up more than any caffeine.

For you see last Nov due to financial stress I shared a tiny apartment with my family of six. And one of those six was away for over a year.

So now that this holiday season we are in a large, beautiful home I have to get up early and clip coupons and work long hours to afford.

I can't help but be thankful.

Because I get to work those hours from this home and all my family is here with me. And thousandaire or not I know I'd still be clipping coupons.

What were your thoughts this morning?