Friday, December 21, 2012

Disabled Diaries Video #4: Teenage Entitlement



Since my husband became temporarily disabled we've done some things to cut cost. One of which is telling the oldest son to get a job. Well he wasn't happy about that. It seems that there's no way to teach some kids except through their own experiences.

What say you? Ever dealt with this teenage entitlement issue?

Bri Clark

Text briclark to 90210 to follow her blog by text.
Social Ghoster Marketing Strategist, Author, Speaker, Social Media/ Platform Consultant

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  1. Hang in there, girl! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Thanks! I'm sure we will get there. Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. I made my kids buy their own car and cover all the expenses that come with it. Imagine my surprise when they all bought newer and fancier cars than mine.
