Sunday, March 20, 2011

Signifigant Sunday...Last Day of Big Bri

This is not me. But where I was heading. Scary?!
After going all day (with a sickly child I might add) missing church, snuggling with her, doing laundry, cleaning, reading and napping I finally figured out what I could post. Tomorrow will be my first day at Meridian Adventure Boot Camp for women. Thanks to I got a 4 week boot camp for a ridiculously low price. So excited. Yes I'm totally stoked to get up at 5:30am for 5 days a week for 4 weeks. I am giddy happy to be required to not say the words hoho, donut, ding dong or candy bar on pain of 20 push ups. I am motivated to keep a food journal that I have to turn in every Wednesday that is a recording of every minute thing that I have ate.

 I have gained 5 extra pounds this week because I knew this day was coming and I have pigged out royally. I'm just ready for a change. Some of you may ask what are my weight loss goals. Honestly the goal is to establish a weekly workout routine at a set time and stick to it while being aware of the food I put in my body in order to feel better. The plan is to blog about the progress every Tuesday.  Until then....


  1. You did awesome this morning!! Great having you in camp, I'm excited about the next 4 weeks!

  2. @ Jesse...thanks. I'm doing pretty good. Not too soar. Gonna be talking about it more tomorrow.

    @Liana..I'm going to have to take pictures of more than my feet. LOL thanks girl

  3. Briana you are awesome. i know you will be successful in your pursuit of being heathier. anytime you set your mind to something you make it happen. i love you so much and i am always so proud to be your mom.
