$1.50 Worth of Commitment by the Caveat Queen
When I first met my
"Dearest" (I am too old to have a "boyfriend," but when I
refer to him as my "Man Friend" he thinks he sounds gay...and he is
right, but if I say "Partner," people think I'm gay, so I just stick
with Dearest) most of our relationship seemed pretty easy. He lived out of
state, and so would just appear in town on business, and we would spend a few
very happy days hanging out together. At first, he stayed with his mom, and
would only come over to visit me, which was just fine. I wasn't looking for a
relationship, and neither was he. What were we doing together, then? Well, for
one thing, lying to ourselves and each other about the whole "not looking
for a relationship," thing...
After several thousand frequent flyer
miles, there came that weird and wonderful tipping point, where my Dearest
started spending longer and longer hours with me, and fewer and fewer with mom,
until...oops...he spent the night. Then, he spent a few in a row. This isn't
going to be a tell-all about how his mom dealt with finding out that her sonny
dearest wasn't a virgin at 38(or that I wasn't either). Actually, it's about
something much harder for couples to talk about than sex: it's
See, the first time that D. spent
the night, he just toodled out in the morning, and took care of his dental
hygiene needs back at mom's. But, trying to continue this routine day after day
not only became inconvenient, but time consuming, since he was driving about 10
miles just to go brush, floss, rinse and then come hurrying back to spend the
day with me. And no, I didn't offer him mine. There are some things that even
after sharing certain intimacies are still too icky to consider. And one of
those is having a man stick my toothbrush in his mouth after it has already
been in mine. (Hey, we all have our hang-ups!)
This dilemma left me with only one
horrifying alternative. I was going to have to get a toothbrush for D. It only
seemed fair and practical, until I was actually at the Wal Mart, all alone (he
was actually off working at the job that was supposedly bringing him to Idaho
in the first place after all...huh!) and there I stood in the dental aisle. All
of a sudden it felt like I was at Tiffany's, buying him a Man-gagement ring!
After considering and discarding several options, and even leaving and coming
back a few times, I finally made the commitment: for $1.50, I could get him a
red Pepsodent toothbrush. It was decent, without being too fancy, and therefore
indicating that I had more expectations than simple teeth cleaning. But, it
wasn't the crappy 4-pack kind that would seem like I didn't care about tartar
build-up and gum disease. Yep, this was it.
Now, I am not saying this for
dramatic effect, although I wish I were so creative: I actually got an anxiety
attack on the way to the cash register. I. Was. Making. A. Commitment. Oh. My.
Gosh. I was sure that I had gone too far, and my Dearest would be offended and
never come back, after seeing that he had his own toothbrush at my house. Eek!
Somehow, I managed to get my sweaty palms around the brush, credit card, and
swipey thing at the register, and walked, weak-kneed to the car with my
hard-won prize.
That night, as we cuddled up
together in bed, I took a breath to tell him what I had done. Then, I just
sighed. Another breath, another sigh. After a few of these, he asked, "Ok,
what's up, Sparky?" (His much better nickname for me...but hey, this is
why he earned a toothbrush!) "Um," I stalled. "Geesh, I hope you're
not mad. I, uh, I thought maybe you'd like to have...this." And from out
of the nightstand I whipped the red toothbrush. "Wow!" he said...yep,
an actual wow over a toothbrush. Extra points. "That's for me? Cool! I'm
so glad I won't have to leave your nice warm body in the morning, just to get
rid of my death breath!" He sounded...sincere. Not mad, weirded out, or
upset, just...grateful. Then he got out of bed and walked away. Damn. Spoke too
soon! Until I heard the water running in the bathroom, and from around the
toothbrush in his mouth, I could just make out, "Hey, vith is awephum!
Fanks!" He had given it a test run, and then came back to give me a
thank-you kiss, with very fresh breath.
I know this is a totally corny
story, but it was a big deal to me at the time. It was when I learned that My
Dearest was even dearer than I thought. He was not only someone I was beginning
to love, but could also...trust. And here's the gushiest part of all. I have,
of course, purchased many more toothbrushes over the past 7 1/2 years that we have
been together. And he's even gotten some for me. But you know what? He has kept
that silly old red one, for "sentimental purposes." Apparently it's
the first gift I ever gave him. Now I wish I'd gone for the Man-gagement ring,
instead of dental hygiene, but oh well...this is a whole lot more practical. I
mean, you can't keep pearly whites at their best with a Man-gagement ring.

I found you via Andi Reis, who is working with my on my next novel. I absolutely loved this post -- and, girl! I can relate!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laughs!