In the last week I have been working thirteen hour
days preparing for two amazing events…The Global Women’s Summit in Vegas and
Romcon in Denver. I’ll be presenting more than once in Vegas and let me just
say PowerPoint is a Pain in my _______. Turns out my program is messed up. Go
figure could have save hours….
I digress. The point is that the weekend before I
go away for two conferences in a week with only a 10 hour layover at home
midweek I also had some very important family things going on as well.
First…3 of my 4 kids are out of school
for the summer and they get antsy staying at home all day. Therefore, one day I
took my girls to the pool and worked poolside for a few hours. I didn’t get a
lot of work done but it was good for me to be in the sun…reenergizing I think. And
it tired them out.
Second…Friday night is date night. My
husband and I love movies and we usually go for a movie on Fridays—especially
in the summer….so of course I had movie night with my man.
Third… Now we are at the weekend. This
is where it got big. Friday is my husband’s and my oldest son’s birthday. The
son turned 18. Yes I know I’m only 30…(For the newbies…my sons are not
biologically mine but I’ve been their full time moma for 12 years. My family
taught me words like “half” “step” and “removed” don’t exist before any
familial title. So in other words the only steps in this household are
carpeted.) I woke up early as usual, went to Walmart, got some groceries for
the week, party supplies, and stuff for my trip I needed. Came home made bfast
in bed for both my guys and then went back to work.
Party…So we aren’t huge partyers and
my son was a little disappointed I think. If I remember correctly, I thought my
18th would be some event. And it was. But not to my teen eyesight.
My grandparents actually I think paid the rest of my probation fines so I could
leave the state and move back to Tennessee from North Carolina. Which looking
back was pivotal in the rest of the direction my life takes. Anyways I cooked a
steak and potato dinner followed by two cakes (the son got his own) then gifts
aka cards with money in them. (Sidenote: The hubby bought his own combo Father’s
day/Birthday gift the weekend before)
Fourth & Final-Father’s Day…Father’s
Day to me is always a little bittersweet. I often wonder where my father is and
then I remember he’s with granny probably watching Fox News. My PawPaw is the only
constant male influence in my life and while he never tried to replace what was
missing he substituted quite nicely. My husband is a better father to my
children than I could have ever written. As an author we often take the
inspiration for characters from those around us but my husband never makes it
into my novels. And it’s an involuntary choice…the reason I think is out of
reverence. So for Father’s Day we created this amazing candy card along with
some other funny cards, we will go to church, Dad will relax, and then I’ve
cooked Pioneer Beef Roast with baby carrots, red potatoes, onions with Mac
& Cheese and chocolate chip cooks for dessert.
Then I’ll bust my hiney trying to finish this last
presentation, finish planning and packing for these two amazing events and then
bright and early Monday morning I’ll leave. But I’ll leave knowing I’ve done my
best to let my family know they are important. That even though in this season
of my life I am away more, that a lot of my time is spent on my writing and
business goals that they are my anchor. For there really is no point for me to
branch out and live a dream if I don’t have the connections to bring me back
home to my cornerstone…my family.
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