Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer... Oh Summer... How I Love and Loathe Thee...

My latest Poison....the name of the novel is Poison Study... No punn intended.

CC has come to terms with my addiction or adultry ,whatever you want to call it, that I have with what he dubs "the words." ie books. When he sees me in the bedroom in the afternoon, skipping dinner, snuggled up under the sheets he knows that I will still be there at midnight when he comes to bed after doing his homework. I am so picky about the books I read that when I finally do pick one I will not stop until it is read.

Summer is a good time for this. I don't HAVE to get up and walk and get kids off to school. Though I aspire to get up and at least walk. My parter I'm sure is frustrated with my lack of follow through this week. She will be thoroughly miffed whenever she realizes it's cause of "the words."

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