Sunday, April 3, 2011

Signifigant Sunday: Crap I'm 29

So I have reached 29. What's so significant about that? Well if you would have been around when I was 15 you'd have heard me say I probably wouldn't live that long and I was serious. I was wild. Hung out with drug dealers, gang bangers and wanna be thugs. Let me tell you a wanna be is a whole lot more dangerous than a real one.

In birthdays past/teen years I have usually been the designated driver because the excuse to party was my birthday only I was never a big drinker. If you asked me what my favorite birthday was I wouldn't tell ya. Frankly I can't remember them.

What am I doing to celebrate my 29th?  I haven't cooked a meal in 3 days. My husband took me to dinner Friday night/date night and then we came home and I read until midnight. Did the same thing again last night. So far my husband has cooked pancakes for breakfast with bacon and I've been drowning in facebook birthday wishes. It's great. Oh and I've lost 5 lbs that is even radder. Of course I have gained it all back after that breakfast. LOL.

Over the last year so much has happened some amazing and beautiful people have become friends and colleagues. Then there is my family and friends who have always been in no short supply. Thank you all for the love and support and for helping me reach 29.


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