Thursday, August 4, 2011

Astraea Press Submission Calls...

Greetings huns...One of my dear publishers is seeking submissions...Here are the details.

Permission to forward granted and encouraged

Astraea Press is looking for Halloween reads as well as Thanksgiving,
Christmas and Valentine's Day in all genres!

15K and up, not to exceed 100K
Does not have to be solely on the holiday but rather include some element of
Keep Astraea Submission guidelines in mind:
  • All genres of fiction accepted
  • No open door sex (unless they're married) and even then no "pink parts". Sexual tension is more than acceptable, as is kissing and playing, providing again, there are no "pink parts".
  • No graphic language
  • No graphic violence
  • HFN is acceptable

Halloween: August 31st
Thanksgiving: September 15th
Christmas: October 31st
Valentine's Day: December 31st

Write a story for us, we dare you! 

Send to