Mary Elizabeth and Charlie’s marriage is fading away as Charlie tries to just get along and Mary Elizabeth struggles not to disappear completely. A murdered teenager is discovered at the local teenage hangout on a bluff high above main street bringing back memories to Mary Elizabeth that she would rather forget but may hold the key to saving an entire town. But when the bodies keep popping up everyone must struggle with feelings of guilt, shame and redemption.
Now those that read this blog know that I am a sucker for romance and thrillers. Well in Wired I got both. Martha Carr's writing is an interesting blend of characterization, plot, and dialogue that is so real and dynamic you think you are reading a movie. Only the screen is in your head. I'll also mention movie rights are being discussed. I'm not surprised.
It is expected in any novel that the reader identify with the main protagonist. That the readers feels what they feel, cries with them, roots for them and just all around connects with them. While you will feel, cry and even root for Mary Elizabeth it is hard to like her...until the end. From the first paragraph I didn't hate her but I didn't like her. Charlie, her husband, was typical yet layered. It's obvious he has a much better relationship with their adorable son. It takes talent to make a reader to feel so strongly about the characters as I did in Wired.
Martha has a craft similar to thriller authors like Vincent Zandri where they reveal a little here and there. And then at some point you start having these moments where things begin to click but still leave you surprised with the ending.
However, her writing of the sexual scenes and thoughts were tasteful yet emotional and poignant like the romance authors I adore some much.
I highly recommend Wired. It's a great read especially for right before Halloween.

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