If you've followed the Belle you know that waiting and anything vaguely resembling patience is not my virtue.
I'm a woman of action and persistence comes more naturally than waiting.
However, there are times in your life where you really do have to sit still. Where you have to literally wait for the things around you to align so that you can proceed. That scripture , Be still and know that I am God, really comes into play here.
The cause for the waiting can be many things. Perhaps you can't go forward in a plan you have thought out, or you are ready to go but life has to catch up with you in order for it to be a wise decision. No matter the reason the waiting still hurts just the same. Well it does for someone like me with a warp 9, lets get it done, rock and roll personality.
If you have been reading the blog lately you probably came across, "I'm living life's country song." To sum it up, my husband suffered a back injury and has a very physical job, my van I had for 6-7 months engine blew up, and a host of other little everyday problems have happened the last month.
But don't the problems seem so much larger when there are so many?
Anyways the point of the post is that after thinking out together as husband and wife plans of action and seeking guidance through prayer. (You may prefer meditation If so rock on. Everyone knows I am a lover of all religions, creeds, and people in general except when your stupid then that sinner in me occurs) the prompting was to wait.
WAIT! It's true four letters words are curse words. Because waiting is a curse to someone like me!
Nevertheless we did, and guess what happened.
My husband is getting the treatment he needs to relieve his back pain. My business Belle Consulting is doing well, and therefore eases the burdens of providing for our family. Not to mention I love my clients and really believe in them and their books. I know it's crazy but the greatest joy I'm having in the success of my business is relieving my husbands burdens and delighting in my clients success. The money is just a necessity. I'd do it for free if it was just happiness I needed.
And we got a vehicle. Not to mention after a careful inspection and cafax report there is no indication that it will blow up in a church parking love anytime soon. There is a seat for every family member, it has AC and heat, the seat belts works, and it has 4WD. Which is great in this state.
And better yet there is not loan with any bank.
Ain't she a bute?
So dear readers have you ever had to wait? How well did you do?
I'm a woman of action and persistence comes more naturally than waiting.
However, there are times in your life where you really do have to sit still. Where you have to literally wait for the things around you to align so that you can proceed. That scripture , Be still and know that I am God, really comes into play here.
The cause for the waiting can be many things. Perhaps you can't go forward in a plan you have thought out, or you are ready to go but life has to catch up with you in order for it to be a wise decision. No matter the reason the waiting still hurts just the same. Well it does for someone like me with a warp 9, lets get it done, rock and roll personality.
If you have been reading the blog lately you probably came across, "I'm living life's country song." To sum it up, my husband suffered a back injury and has a very physical job, my van I had for 6-7 months engine blew up, and a host of other little everyday problems have happened the last month.
But don't the problems seem so much larger when there are so many?
Anyways the point of the post is that after thinking out together as husband and wife plans of action and seeking guidance through prayer. (You may prefer meditation If so rock on. Everyone knows I am a lover of all religions, creeds, and people in general except when your stupid then that sinner in me occurs) the prompting was to wait.
WAIT! It's true four letters words are curse words. Because waiting is a curse to someone like me!
Nevertheless we did, and guess what happened.
My husband is getting the treatment he needs to relieve his back pain. My business Belle Consulting is doing well, and therefore eases the burdens of providing for our family. Not to mention I love my clients and really believe in them and their books. I know it's crazy but the greatest joy I'm having in the success of my business is relieving my husbands burdens and delighting in my clients success. The money is just a necessity. I'd do it for free if it was just happiness I needed.
And we got a vehicle. Not to mention after a careful inspection and cafax report there is no indication that it will blow up in a church parking love anytime soon. There is a seat for every family member, it has AC and heat, the seat belts works, and it has 4WD. Which is great in this state.
And better yet there is not loan with any bank.
Ain't she a bute?
So dear readers have you ever had to wait? How well did you do?

I do not wait well either. But it is sometimes the best thing you can do!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to say, I am a 'need to know' kinda person, so waiting does not come easily to me.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to learn things are coming together for you and your husband is on the mend.
Sherry, I am the same! Waiting drives me nuts, so the publishing arena is teaching me a lot of lessons in patience.