When did I become this mom?
The one who doesn’t know what’s cool anymore, who misuses “cool”
phrases, and turns to her kids for tech support. I remember being pregnant with
my oldest and envisioning that we would just kind of “hang” together. She seemed like she would be something
between an accessory and a hobby…. kind of like knitting, but with greater
potential later on. Then…she was born
and she was this whole other separate person who made decisions on her own
timetable about things like sleeping (or not), eating (or not), and
pooping/crying/puking (for these, “not” seemed never to be an option.) It sunk in quickly that parenting was not at
all like knitting, or hanging out with some cool mini-pal…if anything, it was
more like trying to knit while running backwards on a treadmill while feeding a
moody tiger with a sensitive palate.
Preschool years were probably my favorite, since these are
the years that children like to do things beyond the basic bodily
functions. I must have made metric ton
of edible play dough, between all four of my little ones. That’s not counting the untold tons and tons
of salt dough we made and baked off, for painting. I know they ate plenty of that, too. I pretended not to notice, as I knew it
wouldn’t hurt them and that the saltiness would stop them before they could eat
enough for it to be harmful. I saw my
twin boys eat enough of everything else, including all the ink out of a fresh
box of markers, my prenatal vitamins (never could figure that, since I could
barely stand to choke them down, and there they were at age two, happily
gobbling down these huge things that felt like rocks and tasted like the worst
medicine. But the same kids wouldn’t eat
anything except mac & cheese and hot dogs until they were 15.). They ate a ladybug and a wasp between the two
of them; the wasp was dead, ladybug alive…at least at the start. Which is better than the other way round, for
the wasp-eater’s sake. They ate more
crayons than I think they ever colored with and if you’ve ever heard the saying
about having to eat a peck o’dirt before you die? I do believe my boys were concerned about
reaching an early grave, as they certainly ingested their respective peck each
before their 3rd birthdays.
Happy to say, at age16, that they seem to have simply overshot their
I probably suffered more on the first day of school than any
mom, ever. Ever. I don’t care about the ones that stayed all day, or the ones
that cried right there on the playground. I suffered like a patient in the ER
suffers from internal injuries: just because you can’t see what’s happening on
the outside doesn’t mean that the victim isn’t dying on the inside. That is how I felt, and still feel, every
year on the first day of school. It is a
checking off on life’s calendar of another milestone. A moment I can’t get back with each of my
children, yes, even in junior high or high school, now that they won’t let me
take 1st day of school pictures anymore. Even when they would just as rather that they
were done and gone, I would be just as happy to start all over again with each
of them and pose them against a tree that will grow along with them in their
pictures, and make sure they have a good lunch packed, even though I know now
that they threw them away, or at least traded the gross stuff like apples and
fruit cups for Twinkies and bags of chips.
I would love imagining them in the cafeteria that somehow always smells
slightly of rotting food, throwing parts of their lunch across the table to a
kid who would take an apple for his chips.
This is a silly, crazy, unreal thing to write about. Kids grow up.
It is a bell that can’t be unrung, and shouldn’t be. But when you are the parent of 4 teenagers,
you live with nothing but reality. You
live with sons who have gotten so comfortable kissing their girlfriends (what
else, don’t want to know….had the talk…that’s all the reality I can suffer)
that you see more tongue action in your front yard than in the movies you
watch. Yeesh. Yeah, kids grow up I know, and want to move
to cities like Chicago and talk not only about the school, but career
opportunities there. And you have to start thinking about visiting Chicago for
the holidays. Brrrr. And your kids start talking down to you, when
you don’t understand something, or worse, forget something. And they use That Voice. The slow one that is super patient and
understanding, for poor mom. Yeesh. I’m mid-40’s, not mid-80’s ya know.
I don’t know what I’m doing.
I don’t want to grow old yet. I
am sure I will suffer “Empty Nest Syndrome” although I don’t know what it
really is, or what one does about it. It
always sounded, well, like an old-person thing.
I guess I need to work on avoiding becoming both. Not all people with grown kids are “Empty
Nesters”…at least not in a bad way. And
age is a state of mind. Heck, I could
always make salt dough just for me to play with, and get out some of their
other old art supplies. I’m pretty sure
I can keep myself from sucking on the markers while I draw, or nibbling on the
dough. But even if I do, I have living
proof that it won’t kill me.

OK I have to tell you I haven't reached this point. I luckily have been able to offer my children tech support and when they went to school I threw a party and ate so much I threw up and napped in a puddle of vomit, soda, and finger nail polish. But I'm also the most uncommon mother ever to be known.
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Bri, I've been exactly where you are. All four of my kids were teens for a year (13 to 19 - until the eldest decided to go and become a twenty!) Now that they are all 'twenties' I can happily report that things do actually change. You do, in fact, reach a stage where you hang out and are friends like you mentioned at the onset of this post. It pretty sweet. Oh, sure, they still roll their eyes once in awhile, but it is much less frequent.
ReplyDeleteTracy while I would love to take credit for this blog post it was not my creation. The Caveat Queen is a good friend who has been brave enough to contribute her personal essays to my blog. It's kind of her way of easing into the writing world without putting herself all the way out there.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm not there yet I do have two teen boys and two girls that are 10 and 7 so I've got some time. Now it seems I can't wait but after seeing what my mom went through when I left and my brother I'm not naive enough to think "It's not going to be me." Thanks for sharing!