I recently had a friend/colleague who is a bit of a Night Owl or more like a don't sleep until dawn kind of person ask me, "Why do you get up so early?" I get up at around 5AM most days and walk or work out. Usually it's walking. I have been walking since I was very young when I went with my Paw Paw. But it was when I started writing that I really learned the value of early mornings and the ability to ponder. Yes ponder.
I find that I'm more centered. I find beauty in the majesty around me. Scents are stronger and a feeling of being at peace stirs within. After all that my mind will start wondering.
For example, after this morning's walk I sat down with my laptop in the rocking chair and wrote 3 blog posts. The morning before I wrote 1200 words in my newest novel Season of a Witch.
So to answer not just my friend by you also my reader dears why I get up at the hour the sun rises...it's for all those wonderful reasons there but these as well.
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