Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Writer Wednesday: Print Isn't It....But It's Still Special

I've technically been an author since Feb of 2011. At a conference I learned there is a distinct difference between writers and authors. That difference is authors are published and writers aren't yet. While my first books released were  Familial Witch, then Caffe' Seduzione and I was thrilled. Both were limited to eBooks for reasons that my publishers and I both agreed upon.

Don't get me wrong I LOVE eBooks. As a reader and an author I'm thrilled with the invention. They are by far simply positive. As an author I make more money. As a reader I don't have to wait as long for releases or to purchase the book, and they are cheaper.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sweet Sample Sunday: Caffe' Seduzione is Italian for Cafe Seduction

Welcome Welcome Sweet Saturday Samplers....Sorry if I missed you last week were were having techincal difficulties and the restraining order withmy internet provider prevents me from saying anything further. Here's a sample of my short Caffe' Seduzione. The sequel come out this year with Stone House Ink entitled Mafia Seduzione.

Rating: These novels are PG

"Antony had rushed down the roads leading from his estate back to the cobblestoned streets of Rome when he got the phone call. His contact in the Carabiniere called about an American woman using his name. On the drive back to the city, time crawled like the rotation of the earth for him.
When he came into the police station, he didn‘t see her immediately, and his heart sank. But then she appeared—eyes reddened. She was actually here, in Rome! He stroked her hair as she sobbed, cooing reassurances to his Grazioso bellezza, his graceful beauty. It had been a joke between them after she spilt her drink on him, what felt like an eternity"

Make sure you got back and check out the rest of Sweet Saturday Samples.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I"m a Campaigner

I'm super excited to join the Third Annual Writer's Platform Building Campaign. (Formally called Crusaders.) It's an amazing opportunity to build online support, true friendships, and a following. Rachel Thank you so much for providing this opportunity. I can't wait for the challenges. That Gold Fish one last time is Internet History now.

To still join the campaign go here or to follow along go there too.

Feature Friday: Of Light And Darkness YA Vamp Read Decidedly Different

Product Description

When one human stands before an army of impossible obstacles, the likelihood of overcoming them in this coming-of-age modern fairytale may result in war between light and darkness.

Abandoned as an infant in Prague, naive and strong-willed Charlotte Ruzikova was raised by one of the last Vampires left alive. As a human, she knows no other home than the one nestled deep in the woods of Eastern Europe, where Witches drew spells of enchantment, Phasers threw tea parties, and Elves are the closest in kin. Charlotte has lived her life in the dark with her Guardian, content to having him to herself and reveling in his attention, until she's realizes she wants more...

Resident medical doctor and Vampire, Valek Ruzik fears the day his ward would come of age and blossom into a fine woman, and he is forced to confront his own motives as time is of the essence once his past catches up to him, and their lives become endangered...

As genocide and war threatens their secret society, the dictator in power is ready to wipe out Valek's race, but Charlotte will not allow that to happen. Fighting for the only one she's ever loved and truly believed in, she will do whatever it takes to save their love...before the sun comes up and light takes over.


Of Light and Darkness is a paranormal YA that holds it own among the saturated genre. Original beasts, well known magical creatures like Fae and Witches, and of course vampire add to a world to get lost in. With the blend of contemporary with it’s own world building characteristic of Paranormal YA readers will still fall in love with Eastern Europe, specifically Prague.
The truly original but intriguing premise of the book is the relationship between Valek and Charlotte and how it evolves. When I first saw where it was going I was on alert. I just couldn’t see how it work out without be creepy. Nevertheless, the rhythm of writing is so amazing I read on. Pleasantly surprised Shayne Lieghton not only delivered but secured a loyal reader by bringing it together and icing it up.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Writer Wednesday:Lesson Learned Check Those Attachments.

In July I had a lot going on! I was in Tennessee visiting family and taking care of responsibilities that require my attention there every summer. It truly wasn't like I was lounging or vacationing in the least. I had my two high maintenance daughters the diva and the victim with me. To top it all off my Internet ability was like when the cell phones first came out and people walked around holding out there phone. Like I said not a vacation.

However, within the mist of that trip I released Glazier in eBook form. I was beyond ecstatic. There were a couple of reviewers I have relationships with who I immediately sent a pdf to. For a split second I stopped and thought did I send the right copy? Then frankly forgot about it.

Fast forward three weeks later. After the return home and the sudden move where I had a pack unpack 48 hour turn around. I get my first review. She mentions errors. Ding Ding Ding. Yep you bet ya. I sent the wrong copy. And now my second review where I sent the wrong copy. Apologies ladies. I'll be sure to check those attachments from now on.

Here's the latest review for Glazier from Paranormal Opinion

"This book has a lot of writing errors, but the story is incredible. It's wonderfully unique and intriguing. It's a paranormal story – but it's not your usual vampires or shape-shifters. There is plenty of sexual tension, even though the relationship doesn't get very heated."

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Belle's Sultry Summer Nights Ignite Your Passions Blog Hop Post (8/22-8/29)

(AUGUST 22-29)

When I think of Sultry Summer Nights I think of air forces bases, muscle cars, baby tees and short shorts. My summers as a teen went from the back roads of humid middle Tennessee to the cool nights of North Carolina mountains. There was always somewhere to be and a cute guy to pick from. In my youth I lived for the moment and have the scars to prove it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Feature Friday: Fallen Idols...Paranormal Novella to read

Product Description

Falling: A paranormal contemporary romance novella with a feisty heroine, an immortal hero, and their wee trip to hell and back The trouble with falling in love is the long drop down… Alexis isn’t afraid of much. She’s never met a cliff she didn’t want to climb or a waterfall she wouldn’t plunge over. Yet when her fiancé leaves and takes her daring edge with him, she swears off love…. Until one wild night out at San Francisco’s latest hard-to-find, impossible-to-get-into new club where she discovers more than just a stiff drink awaits her inside, because the owner of this club is the sexiest man she’s ever met—and the most dangerous. A few hundred years ago, Jason made a very bad bargain with a very vengeful goddess. Now it’s time for him to pay up, either with his soul… or his heart. And when one long look at Alexis makes him understand just how hellish a life of unrequited love could be, suddenly the alternative doesn’t sound so bad. Only it turns out, the alternative isn’t just hellish—it is hell… and Alexis is the only one who can spring him loose. If, that is, she’s brave enough to try…

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Writer Wednesday: Google + Lets hang out. I'll bring the Sass.

So I've been hanging around Google+ a little. Let me tell ya...I love it. I'm still learning and can't do everything yet. But what I have learned I got from Novel Publicity. In fact since I totally jacked this idea from Emlyn Chand Novel's creator. I am going to share the link to check out Google+ basics etc.

Google+ a comparison to other networks

Google+ an introduction

Google+ Let's Hangout

And now for the blatant copy cat I have pulled. Google+ has this amazing feature where you up to 10 people can literally hangout. It's similar to a Skype Chat room experience. Emlyn has what she call's Office Hours every Wednesday from 12-3 where she will talk writing, marketing, blog tour, blogs, book trailers, etc in her hang out. You can catch her here.

So I shall do the same thing only it's going to be on Thursday from 11-1 MST. I'll call it Let's Sassafras where I'll talk writing, editing, marketing, finding time to write, publishing etc.

If you aren't in Google+ yet. Leave your email in the comments and I'll send you an invite. Hope to see you guys tomorrow for my first Hangout. Click here to participate.

Note: Em's office hours are closed this week. But will start back next week as usual.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sweet Saturdays: Glazier Chills

This sample is from my Romantic Fantasy novel Glazier. Here is a touch of the fantasy part.

As the overwhelming force of being cornered enveloped me, that all too familiar cold crept inside and the chilling fear dissipated. All I knew was survival. A pulsing, hidden strength coursed through me, and just before I thought I would come undone, an officer came, wrapped his sausage-like fingers under my arm and pulled me up. He led me down a secluded hallway. At the end to the right was a door. Within it was a man I could only describe as a living serpent…and I loathed snakes.

 Check at the rest of my samplenistas here. And if you want more Glazier click the Amazon link below. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

BLB: Pepper Oneal "I've written under a barstool."

Welcome my fair readers. If you remember last week I reviewed Blood Fest by Pepper Oneal. Oh you missed it...well click here and then come back. I had a few questions for Pepper about writing in general and Blood Fest. Her answers were entertaining and surprising. Go check her out.

1. Do you specifically write paranormal?

No, not specifically. But so far that’s the only fiction genre I’ve been published in. I’ve written an action/adventure novel about a girl on the run from a murderer (based on a true story, by the way) that I haven’t found a home for yet. But I’m confident I will. Eventually. (I feel ya here. I write paranormal, fantasy and romantic suspense. I right what come in my mind.)

2. What fights with your attention in finding time to write?

If you had asked me that question before I spent several years working as a writer in third world countries, I would have told that I could write only under optimum conditions—when I had at least a couple of hours free to write, supper was over with, the dishes done, the neighbors quiet, But after writing in adverse conditions—such as sitting on a fallen log in the pouring rain; perched on a rock beside the campfire, fending off mosquitoes the size of small dogs with one hand while scribbling furiously with the other; having to fight cockroaches for a square foot of writing space; or hiding under a stool during a bar fight—I’d have to say I can write just about anywhere, under any conditions. 
(Okay I'm feeling a little self conscious.)

3. How do you overcome those distractions and write?

While working in the conditions I mentioned above, I had deadlines to meet, and if I had failed to meet them, I would have most likely been fired. Since I loved the job and the people I worked with, I was highly motivated to ignore the adverse conditions and write. Consequently, writing out of my home office with air conditioning in the summer, central heating in the winter—sans cockroaches and bar fights—is a breeze. Rather like combat soldiers that train themselves to sleep whenever and wherever they can, because if they don’t, they may not have another chance, I’ve trained myself to ignore all distractions and write.
(And now I'm thoroughly humbled...and now I'm not. A child just launched a box of cereal at another one.)

4. I love the half/ware ideas. How did you come up with the premise for this novel?

I really wish I knew. My storylines usually come to me in my dreams, or else they pop into my head in the shower or when I’m driving, but when they come, they come complete with basic character sketches. In this case, I knew Roman was a vampire, but he didn’t feel complete until I combined him with a sweet, shy, wild wolf I met in a remote area in Southern Mexico. (He used to sneak into our camp and steal tuna fish sandwiches.) So it seemed only right to make Roman half vampire, half werewolf. (Same the shower, at a basketball game, in a meeting with a teacher while I'm half listening.)

5. Your characters were amazing and you have a process?

I don’t know that I would call it a process, but I try to model my characters after real people—and animals—I know. This makes it easier for me to connect with them and to imagine how they would react in any given situation. It also makes my characters more real to me, so they are naturally going to be more real to my readers.

Thanks a lot Pepper. Great book and thanks for sharing your experiences and process with you. 
So fair readers where is the craziest place you've written?

PS...You can find out more about Pepper Oneal

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Writer Wednesday: Writing it's the B word.

No not that b word! But to some authors it's just as offensive. Business Yes my fair reader it is and today I will address it. Well not so much I will address rather I'll quote and link to a couple of very successful people in the industry who put it out there clear and concise.

Often I'm asked How are your books doing? or Are you doing well? Which are just cloaked questions that really are saying Are you making any money?

I'm great at deflection so I usually do that and leave the conversation without really answering but the asker thinking I'm doing great. Because really I am!

I'm still in my first year since I landed my first contract as a published author. By the end of 2011 I'll have nine publications to add to my platform, as well as a successful blog, four professional websites I review four, I contribute at Ravencraft's Romance Realm twice a month (that's a very new one), as well as being regularly sought after for a guest poster on other blogs. And that's just what I do other than writing. To top it all off in less than a year after attending the Idaho Book Extravaganza (a conference I highly recommend) I will be participating now as a featured speaker.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday:Halloween Novella Scent of a Witch

Unable to look away he watched as she moved her feet in and out of the water allowing him a generous view of long shapely calves that flowed seamlessly into milky white thighs. His throat tightened as desire burned in him. She leaned forward reaching out with her right arm bending her right knee in. So enchanted by the movement of the graceful beauty he didn’t see the dagger that appeared in her left hand until it took off a lock of his hair before firmly ending in the tree behind him.
The realization that he almost died startled Fionn out of his daze. The wild haired woman let out a 

particularly unladylike old Gaelic curse as her eyes looked all around as if seeking escape. 

That's from my current WIP hopefully releasing with Astraea Press around Halloween. It's a cross genre paranormal/historical romance entitled Scent of a Woman. And true to form I can see a series spurring from the one novella like my Familial Witch novella. 

Don't forget to head back to Six Sentence Sunday for even more appetizers.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday Sweets: Sezuzione is Italian for Seduction

Image cutesy of
"She knew that their first meeting was by chance. It had been at her favorite coffee shop. She’d spilled hers on his expensive Italian shoes in her hurry to get lost in the latest romantic thriller. When she apologized, his smile was lopsided, like her brother’s. The rest of Antony, though, was sublime…the epitome of Italian masculinity. A professionally tailored suit fitted around his broad chest left little to the imagination.
She melted under the heat of his well-traveled brogue. Her blush enticed the Italian businessman because it made the cream of her skin fairer, bringing out auburn highlights in her hair. Before he could speak further, she excused herself. Not much later, he found her in her corner and ever so gently pushed her book down, his eyes meeting hers. He asked to join her." 

Friday, August 5, 2011

BLB: Blood Fest You had me at British Hero

Product Description

She didn’t know what she was—or that what she was could get her killed...

A struggling private detective in Los Angeles, Chase Alcott has no idea about her unique genetic makeup. So when she takes on a new client—an old man with ulterior motives—she’s unaware of the danger she’ll soon face. Traveling to England to solve a mysterious murder at the request of her new client, Chase encounters terrifying creatures she thought only existed in her nightmares—only to find out she’s one of them. Caught in a web of evil and deception after learning some terrifying truths about her long dead parents, Chase doesn’t know who to believe. Does she dare trust the enigmatic Roman, a man with dark secrets of his own?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Writer Wednesday: To Miss a Manuscript

After being on vacation for two weeks and away from my latest WIP Eternal Witch, the sequel to Familial Witch, I didn't realize how much I missed it! Is that even possible? If I wasn't an author I'd be considered clinically insane. But luckily I am an author. Shew...that was a close one. The loony bin has been trying to get me for years.

But why is it OK to miss a manuscript or to even mourn one? I've read authors who wrote novels that were never published that sigh in interviews and dab at unshed tears over they fact that their beloved characters will never be seen. Then others rejoice over the fact sometimes years later they are able to get a contract and publish their beloved long ago buried ms.

So back to my Eternal Witch...I think it's the characters and their story. It's all up in my head and needs to get out. I'm so close to finishing that first initial draft and I NEED to get it out. I'm scared I'm going to forget something or suffer an accident causing amnesia and their story will never be finished. EEK!!

I think I may be having a bit of my smartypantsdiva moment. You think? So to my critique partner's bitter delight I'm about to load her up with a whole flipping MS.

What about you? Ever missed a WIP, MS or perhaps characters from a series you love?